What is lycee General et technologique?

What is lycée General et technologique?

general and technological education (lycée d’enseignement général et technologique, or LEGT) is the successor to the traditional academic lycée of the past; (2) the vocational-educational lycée (lycée d’enseignement professionnel, or LEP) encompasses a range of vocational-technical studies and training.

What is the difference between lycée and college?

The lycée (pronounced [lise]) is the second, and last, stage of secondary education in the French educational system. The City of Paris refers to a lycée in English as a “sixth form college”. A pupil attending a lycée is a lycéen (masculine) or a lycéenne (feminine).

What is the lycee in France?

lycée, in France, an upper-level secondary school preparing pupils for the baccalauréat (the degree required for university admission). The first lycée was established in 1801, under the educational reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Is lycée a word?

noun, plural ly·cées [lee-seyz; French lee-sey]. a secondary school, especially in France, maintained by the government.

What age do you finish high school in France?

After primary school, two educational stages follow: collège (middle school), for children during their first four years of secondary education from the age of 11 to 14. lycée (high school), which provides a three-year course of further secondary education for children between the ages of 15 and 18.

Why is Le baccalaureate so important?

The French Baccalauréat or ‘le bac’, is an academic qualification taken at the end of the lycée (secondary education), usually when the student is 18. It is the required qualification in France for those students wishing to carry on their studies at university.

What is the best high school in France?

École Jeannine Manuel
École Jeannine Manuel ranked best high school in France École Jeannine Manuel has been named the best high school in France (public or private) for the seventh consecutive year by l’Internaute in its 2019 rankings. Its campus in Lille rose to third place nationally in the league tables produced by L’Express.

Is lycée masculine or feminine?

Like musée, the noun lycée—even a lycée filled with girls and only girls—is masculine, which we can tell here because it’s preceded by the masculine article un. Un (“a,” masc.) or le (“the,” masc.)

What is the word high school in French?

high school lycée mst. high school haute école mst.

What happens to students who don’t pass Le bac?

There are a number of choices including retakes (redoublement) at the lycée that they were previously studying at; this can only be done during the school year immediately after failing the bac and is referred to as “Le redoublement dans l’établissement d’origine”.


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