What is the most attractive accent in the UK?

What is the most attractive accent in the UK?

Scottish accent
The Scottish accent was voted the second most attractive with 51% of people finding it the sexiest. While Queen’s English and the Welsh accent have been deemed the joint third most attractive (47%)….

Accent Attractive Unattractive
Irish 58% 13%
Scottish 51% 21%
Queen’s English 47% 17%
Welsh 47% 21%

What do American accents sound like to Brits?

To an average Briton, American accents sound distinctly foreign and instantly mark the speaker as not one of ‘us’. That said, a broad Yorkshire accent has the same effect on, say, someone from the southern counties of the UK – and no doubt the same applies between Boston and the deep south of America.

Is American or British accent sexier?

In a result that’ll strike some (not least, most Brits) as unexpected, British accents took a whacking 25 percent of the overall vote. Spanish and Irish accents rounded out the top five, followed by Australian and American. Only one country in the survey voted for its own accent as the sexiest.

What is a posh American accent?

The word “posh” isn’t used much in the US, and used to describe providing luxurious accommodations or events, rather than upper class individuals and their characteristics. There is no posh American accent. If anyone should attempt to do one he/she would be viewed as pretentious and silly.

Are American accents attractive in languages?

No. The People don’t find the American accent attractive when speaking their language. This does not mean that individuals, small communities or maybe even a country or two like to hear their language piped through the American sound system, but many more times than not, the answer is no.

Why does American English sound different than British?

An important reason why American English and British English sound different is rhotacism, the change of a particular sound in a language. Americans kept their rhotic American accent—for the most part. Port cities on the East Coast, especially in New England, had a lot of contact with the R-less Brits.

Which is the most difficult English accent?

There are many, very distinct, British accents. It’s true that Indian accent is the most difficult one in the world to understand.


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