What is a period?

What is a period?

A period is a release of blood from a girl’s uterus, out through her vagina. It is a sign that she is getting close to the end of puberty.

How long does a period last?

The menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next, isn’t the same for every woman. Menstrual flow might occur every 21 to 35 days and last two to seven days. For the first few years after menstruation begins, long cycles are common.

What are the symptoms of period coming?

What Are the Signs You Are Getting Your Period?

  • You’re breaking out. Acne is a common problem at this time of the month.
  • Your breasts are sore or heavy.
  • You’re tired but you can’t sleep.
  • You have cramps.
  • You’re constipated or have diarrhea.
  • You’re bloated and gassy.
  • You have a headache.
  • You’re having mood swings.

What happens to your body on your period?

Menstruation is a woman’s monthly bleeding, often called your “period.” When you menstruate, your body discards the monthly buildup of the lining of your uterus (womb). Menstrual blood and tissue flow from your uterus through the small opening in your cervix and pass out of your body through your vagina.

Why do girls get period?

A period happens because of changes in hormones in the body. Hormones give messages to the body. These hormones cause the lining of the uterus (or womb) to build up. This gets the uterus ready for an egg (from the mom) and sperm (from the dad) to attach and grow into a baby.

Is a 10 day period normal?

The average period is two to seven days in length, so bleeding for eight days or more is considered long. In general, periods on the longer end of normal (five to seven days) aren’t something to worry about.

What stops your period?

If you want to cut down on the number of periods you have per year, then experts suggest standard birth control pills, patches, or the vaginal ring. To stop your period long-term, birth control shots, long-term pills, and the IUD typically work best.

How do stop your period?

How to Stop Your Period: 6 Safe Ways to Do It

  1. Ethinyl Estradiol-Norethisteron Pills.
  2. Contraceptive Pill.
  3. Continuous-Use Birth Control Pill.
  4. Hormonal IUDs.
  5. Contraceptive Injections.
  6. Contraceptive Implants.
  7. Hysterectomy.
  8. Endometrial Ablation.



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