What foods can you eat when you have interstitial cystitis?

What foods can you eat when you have interstitial cystitis?

Effect of Diet on Interstitial Cystitis

  • Fruits. IC Friendly. Bananas, blueberries, melons, pears, Apples (Gala, Fuji, Pink Lady)
  • Vegetables. IC Friendly. Asparagus, avocado, celery, black olives, cucumber, green beans, bell peppers, beans (black eyed peas, garbanzo, white, pinto)
  • Milk/Dairy. IC Friendly.
  • Beverages. IC Friendly.

What foods make interstitial cystitis worse?

Coffee, soda, alcohol, tomatoes, hot and spicy foods, chocolate, caffeinated beverages, citrus juices and drinks, MSG, and high-acid foods can trigger IC symptoms or make them worse.

Can you eat apples with interstitial cystitis?

For example, though a fresh apple may irritate your bladder, you may be able to enjoy applesauce. Many people with IC note worsening of symptoms with foods, drinks, medicines, and supplements containing preservatives, artificial ingredients, colors, and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Can you eat eggs with interstitial cystitis?

Eggs. Also rich in protein, eggs are on several lists as one of the “least bothersome” foods for bladder conditions.

What tea is good for interstitial cystitis?

Herbal teas such as chamomile and mint are usually well tolerated by IC patients. Keep trying until you find a product you like. Just like coffee or tea, you can add milk and/or sugar to any beverage to improve the taste. You can buy coffee and tea substitutes in health food stores, online, and some supermarkets.

Is Ural good for interstitial cystitis?

You can sometimes manage a mild case of cystitis yourself through simple things like drinking lots of fluids, (especially water), avoiding acidic drinks and foods, and using a urinary alkaliniser such as Ural. These types of self-care can help relieve burning cystitis symptoms, but do not treat its cause.

How do you calm down interstitial cystitis?

Here are 7 tips for dealing with IC symptoms:

  1. Take a hot bath. A long soak in the tub eases stress and can relax pelvic muscles and decrease pelvic floor pain.
  2. Get moving.
  3. Pet a dog.
  4. Have a massage.
  5. Work on your spiritual side.
  6. Take a time out.
  7. Talk to a counselor.


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