How much do union laborers make in Oregon?

How much do union laborers make in Oregon?

Union Construction Laborer Salary in Oregon

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $62,567 $30
75th Percentile $52,218 $25
Average $42,754 $21
25th Percentile $27,285 $13

How do you know if prevailing wage works in Oregon?

If you have questions regarding whether you are receiving the appropriate prevailing wage rate for a task you are performing on a public works project, you can review the Definitions on BOLI’s website or you can call the PWR Unit at (971) 673-0839 for assistance.

How does union pay scale work?

Union wages are set by contract. This means that, unlike non-union workplaces, union workers do not have to worry about pay or benefit cuts for the duration of their contract. This gives union workers great peace of mind, given that union wage and benefit contracts typically last multiple years.

How do prevailing wage jobs work?

The prevailing wage rate is the basic hourly rate paid on public works projects to a majority of workers engaged in a particular craft, classification or type of work within the locality and in the nearest labor market area (if a majority of such workers are paid at a single rate).

Which type of work has prevailing wage requirements?

The federal Davis-Bacon Act requires that prevailing wages be paid on federally funded public works projects, such as construction, repair or alteration of public buildings, or construction of public roads or bridges.

What is required for certified payroll?

Certified Payroll Requirements Each employee on the payroll must have legal name, address, correct job classification, rate of prevailing wage pay, daily hours worked, weekly hours worked, and amount paid clearly recorded on the required certified payroll report.

What is prevailing wage in Oregon right now?

Oregon’s current minimum wage is $12.00 per hour. It is scheduled to increase to $12.75 per hour in July 2021. Since 2003, Oregon’s minimum wage has been adjusted yearly for inflation on January 1 by a calculation using the U.S. City Average Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for All Items.

How prevailing wage is determined?

The prevailing wage for the covered occupations is determined by the U.S. Department of Labor through surveys of wages paid in those occupations in surrounding areas so that the wages reflect the local economy. A state with a higher construction wage, in general, will therefore have a higher prevailing wage.


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