What is complement fixation test in immunology?

What is complement fixation test in immunology?

The complement fixation test is a blood test in which a sample of serum is exposed to a particular antigen and complement in order to determine whether or not antibodies to that particular antigen are present. The nature of complement is to react in combination with antigen–antibody complexes.

Which indicator system can be used in a complement fixation test?

Complement fixation requires several elements mixed together in optimum concentrations. The indicator system for the complement fixation assay is sheep red blood cells bound to anti-sheep immunoglobulin G.

What is the precipitation test?

Precipitation tests measure an antigen or antibody in body fluids by the degree of visible precipitation of antigen-antibody complexes within a gel (agarose) or in solution. There are many types of precipitation tests (eg, Ouchterlony double diffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis), but their applications are limited.

Which antibodies can fix complement?

Alternative pathway complement activation by plastic-bound, but not specific antigen-bound, IgA.

Which of the following test is based on the principle of complement fixation test?

The test is based on the Laboratory Branch Complement Fixation (LBCF) Test procedure. The principal of the CF test is that antibodies present in patient sera, when mixed with the corresponding antigens will “fix”, or bind, complement (a component of fresh serum).

What is IFA testing?

IFA is an assay which uses fluorescent microscopy to detect antibodies to specific antigenic material. This test is often used to confirm positive results obtained by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) or MFIA® (Multiplexed Fluorometric ImmunoAssay®).

What happens during complement fixation?

Complement fixation occurs and effector cells such as phagocytes and natural killer recognize the reaction by binding the Fc portion of the IgG, and lead to cytotoxic events that destroy surrounding tissue.


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