What is a near miss according to the Joint Commission?

What is a near miss according to the Joint Commission?

A near miss is defined as “any event that could have had adverse consequences but did not and was indistinguishable from fully fledged adverse events in all but outcome.” (Some studies use the related terms “potential adverse event” and “close call.”) In a near miss, an error was committed, but the patient did not …

What is a near miss in healthcare?

Near-miss events are errors that occur in the process of providing medical care that are detected and corrected before a patient is harmed.

What is the difference between adverse event and near miss?

An adverse event is defined by JCI as an unanticipated, undesirable, or potentially dangerous occurrence in a healthcare organisation, and a near miss is any process variation that did not affect an outcome but for which a recurrence carries a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome; such a “near miss” falls …

What is a near miss error?

1. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices further defines a near miss as “any event or situation that didn’t produce patient injury, but only because of chance.”2 For reporting purposes, a near miss is considered an error, as is a medication error that doesn’t result in patient harm.

What is considered a near miss in nursing?

According to the Institute of Medicine, a near miss is “an act of commission or omission that could have harmed the patient but did not cause harm as a result of chance, prevention, or mitigation” (1).

What is a near miss in operational risk?

managing operational risk in financial institutions, we thus propose the following. definition: “Near-Miss” is an event, a sequence of events, or an observation of. unusual occurrences that possesses the potential of improving a system’s. operability by reducing the risk of upsets some of which could eventually.

What is an example of near miss?

Some near miss examples when it comes to slipping and tripping at work include: Poor lighting resulting in an employee tripping, and almost falling over an undetected extension cord. A leaky air conditioner drips onto a walkway resulting in an employee slipping and nearly falling.

What is a near miss and how should this be treated?

You might be tempted to ignore near misses, but it’s vital that you don’t just brush them off. Just because it was a near miss this time, doesn’t mean it will be the next time. A near miss should be treated as warning of an accident in the making and an opportunity to assess your hazard control measures.

What is a near miss in dentistry?

definition: ‘unintended physical injury resulting. from, or contributed to, by medical care (including. the absence of indicated medical treatment), that. requires additional monitoring, treatment, or. hospitalization, or that results in death’.

Why is it called near miss?

Part of the reason for this curious use is its history. In military language, a bomb strike that missed its intended target (usually a naval vessel) but still landed close enough to that target to cause damage was termed a near miss.


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