Where did saying good morning come from?

Where did saying good morning come from?

A greeting said when parting from someone in the morning. Etymology: From Middle English gud mornynge (also as goode morne, gode morne), from Old English *gōdne morgen (“good morning”) , an ellipsis for an expression such as “I wish you a good morning”, equivalent to good +‎ morning.

How do you respond to top of the mornin to ya?

It’s an Irish expression and means “the best of the morning to you” and an appropriate reply is “And the rest of the day to you”.

Is it offensive to say top of the morning?

“Top of the morning to you” as a stereotypical remark More often than not, many people of Irish descent might cringe at getting heavily associated with the greeting “Top of the morning to you.” The only takeaway is that the expression’s meaning is not essentially offensive, but rather a standard Irish “hello” only.

Do Brits say top of the morning?

Few dialect myths rankle more people than the purported Irish phrase, “top o’ the morning.” Any Irish person will inform you that they have never, ever heard even one of their countrymen utter these words. This would suggest that “top o’ the morning” was heard in various parts of the British Isles.

What is top of the morning?

Essentially it means “The best part of the morning to you”; a typical response would be “And the rest of the day to you.” …

What good morning really means?

Good morning is defined as a polite greeting or farewell that you say to someone in the early hours of the day. Good morning is an example of something you say to someone when you see him for the first time at 9 AM. (by extension, humorous) Used to greet someone who has just awakened (irrespective of the time of day).

What means top of the morning to you?

What is Jacksepticeye saying in his intro?

“Hello! All you beautiful people out there. My name is Jacksepticeye.” ( Second previous intro)


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