Did Aristotle understand Plato?

Did Aristotle understand Plato?

For some 20 years Aristotle was Plato’s student and colleague at the Academy in Athens, an institution for philosophical, scientific, and mathematical research and teaching founded by Plato in the 380s. Although Aristotle revered his teacher, his philosophy eventually departed from Plato’s in important respects.

Does Aristotle agree with Plato?

Although Plato had been his teacher, Aristotle disagreed with much of Plato’s philosophy. Plato was an idealist, who believed that everything had an ideal form. Aristotle believed in looking at the real world and studying it. Aristotle spent many years teaching in Athens, which was under the control of Macedon.

Is there a contemporary version of Aristotelianism?

Contemporary Aristotelianism. Recent Aristotelian ethical and ‘practical’ philosophy, such as that of Gadamer and McDowell, is often premised upon a rejection of Aristotelianism’s traditional metaphysical or theoretical philosophy. [citation needed] From this viewpoint, the early modern tradition of political republicanism,…

What are the characteristics of Aristotelian ethics?

Aristotle’s era blurred the line between the modern concepts of “philosophy” and “science.” As a result, Aristotelian ethics takes the same general approach as Aristotelian biology, physics, politics, and aesthetics.

Who were the original followers of Aristotle and who were they?

The original followers of Aristotle were the members of the Peripatetic school. The most prominent members of the school after Aristotle were Theophrastus and Strato of Lampsacus, who both continued Aristotle’s researches.

What is the chain of causality according to Aristotle?

Aristotle also suggested that the chain of causality, from the prime mover on, was in a “downwards” direction, more or less. The further down the line of cause-and-effect something is, the less “perfect” it is, and the less changed, or moved, it is.


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