What is the use of the Code_section pragma?

What is the use of the Code_section pragma?

The CODE_SECTION pragma is useful if you have code objects that you want to link into an area separate from the .text section. The syntax of the pragma in C could be: #pragma means “here follows something implementation-defined unique to this compiler”. So what will happen depends on the compiler you are using.

What is the optional schema-name before the pragma name?

A pragma may have an optional schema-name before the pragma name. The schema-name is the name of an ATTACH-ed database or “main” or “temp” for the main and the TEMP databases. If the optional schema name is omitted, “main” is assumed. In some pragmas, the schema name is meaningless and is simply ignored.

Why is This pragma not supported in an included resource file?

This pragma is not supported in an included resource file (.rc). Therefore, if you have a parent .rc file and it includes .rc files for multiple languages, use this pragma before including another .rc file rather than using it in the included .rc file itself. This is demonstrated in the following example.

Does RC support pragma directives supported by the C/C++ compiler?

RC does not support the pragma directives supported by the C/C++ compiler. However, RC does support the following pragma directive for changing the code page: This pragma is not supported in an included resource file (.rc).


What is the ‘#pragma’ directive?

The ‘#pragma’ directive is the method specified by the C standard for providing additional information to the compiler, beyond what is conveyed in the language itself.

What is the use of pragma warning?

This is a preprocessor directive that can be used to turn on or off certain features. It is of two types #pragma startup, #pragma exit and #pragma warn. #pragma startup allows us to specify functions called upon program startup. #pragma exit allows us to specify functions called upon program exit.

What is the use of pragma preprocessor in C++?

The #pragma preprocessor directive is used to provide additional information to the compiler. The #pragma directive is used by the compiler to offer machine or operating-system feature. Syntax: Different compilers can provide different usage of #pragma directive. The turbo C++ compiler supports following #pragma directives.


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