What does Carlson say in Of Mice and Men?

What does Carlson say in Of Mice and Men?

He talks to Candy about it, saying: ‘If you want me to, I’ll put the old devil out of his misery right now and get it over with. Ain’t nothing left for him. Can’t eat, can’t see, can’t even walk without hurtin’.

What did Carlson say at the end of mice and men?

I swear you hadda. Come on with me.” He led George into the entrance of the trail and up toward the highway. Curley and Carlson looked after them. And Carlson said, “Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?”

What is a famous quote from Of Mice and Men?

“A guy needs somebody―to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long’s he’s with you. I tell ya, I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick.”

What does Carlson say Lennie stole?

Carlson and Curley return, and Carlson claims that Lennie has stolen his Luger. Curley, carrying a shotgun, tells Carlson to take Crooks’ shotgun, and the men leave, taking George with them to find Lennie.

What is Carlson’s physical description?

Powerful, big-stomached man. What is Carlson’s physical appearance? He complains bitterly about Candy’s old, smelly dog. A thin young man, brown face, brown eyes, a head of tightly curled hair, wore a work glove on his left hand, wore high-heeled boots.

What is Carlson’s problem and what does he tell Candy to do what reasons does he give candy?

What is Carlson’s problem and what does he tell Candy to do? He doesn’t like Candy’s dog because he smells bad and is too old to do anyone any good; he tells Candy to shoot the dog. When George tells Lennie that they need to build a stake, he is talking about money.

Why is Carlson confused at the end?

Carlson is confused because he doesn’t understand true friendship. This relates to the theme of male friendship as not many guys travel together and many are alone.

What does Carlson’s last line mean?

Carlson asks the last question because it is symbolic of the fact that all the men on the ranch have downfalls. Carlson’s was lack of empathy and understanding of emotion and how much anguish George must feel after having to kill his best friend.

What is the role of Mr Carlson in of mice and men?

Lesson Summary. Carlson in Of Mice and Men is a good example of a side character that plays an important role in a story. He is a fellow ranch hand alongside George and Lennie, and he is a big, friendly man, not easily scared. His main event is with Candy’s dog, when he offers to put him out of his misery.

What are some quotes from of mice and men?

Of Mice and Men: Carlson (Quotes) “Why don’t you get Candy to shoot his old dog and give him one of the pups to raise up?”. “Tell you what, I’ll shoot him for you, then it won’t be you who does it.”. “You god-darn punk” & “you come for me and I’ll kick you god-darn head off.”.

What happens in Chapter 3 of of mice and men?

Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. After the mens’ game of horseshoes, Carlson complains about how good Crooks plays. This reveals the racism of the time – had Crooks been white, the men would have hailed him as an expert. “Well, you ain’t bein’ kind to him keepin’ him alive.”

What does Carlson say about Takin’ Care of him?

“I don’t mind takin’ care of him.” Carlson said, “The way I’d shoot him, he wouldn’t feel nothing. I’d put the gun right there.” He pointed with his toe. “Right back of the head. He wouldn’t even quiver.” Get the entire Of Mice and Men LitChart as a printable PDF.


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