What is the formula for work against friction?

What is the formula for work against friction?

It’s value is f= uN=u mg cosA, where, u is coefficient of friction and N= mg cosA is normal force exerted by inclined plane on the object on the inclined plane.

How do you calculate work using mass distance and friction?

Work is the force exerted on an object times the distance over which the force is exerted: W = Fx, where W is the work in Nm = Joule. Work done to lift an object of mass m a height h: W = Fgh = mgh. Work done against friction: W = Ff x.

How do you solve for frictional torque?

The frictional torque, therefore, is calculated as the difference between the applied torque and the resulting net, or observed, torque. Determine the net torque of a frictionless mass pulley system with a pulley of a given radius, R, a given pulley mass, m1, and mass suspended from the system, m2.

What is the formula for calculating stopping distance?

Stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance Thinking distance is approximately 1 foot for every mph you travel at, for example, a car travelling at 30mph will travel 30 feet before the brakes are applied.

How do you calculate work force and distance?

Work can be calculated with this equation: Work = Force x Distance. The SI unit for work is the Newton meter (N m). One joule equals the amount of work that is done when 1 N of force moves an object over a distance of 1 m.

What is frictional load?

Second, friction is proportional to the load or weight that presses the surfaces together. If a pile of three bricks is pulled along a table, the friction is three times greater than if one brick is pulled. Thus, the ratio of friction F to load L is constant.

What is frictional torque measured in?

newton metres
Friction torque is the torque caused by the frictional force that occurs when two objects in contact move. Like all torques, it is a rotational force which may be measured in newton metres or pounds-feet.

What are 2 factors in determining friction?

Roughness/smoothness of the sliding object

  • Roughness/smoothness of the surface
  • Shape/design of the object
  • Normal force acting upon the sliding bodies
  • Dry friction is independent of the surface area of a contact
  • Type of friction involved (rolling/sliding)
  • Sliding surface’s state of matter (solid/fluid)
  • What is the standard formula for friction?

    Friction formula is typically given as F f = μF n The numeric’s are, the magnitude of friction is F f, the coefficient of friction is μ and the magnitude of the normal force is F n. The Normal force is equivalent to the weight of the given body.

    How to calculate the work done by friction?

    You calculate the work done by friction exactly as you’d calculate the work done by any force: Work = force X distance . What’s the friction force? What’s the distance over which it acts? (What makes you think the work done by friction is 0.24 J?)

    How do you calculate work done by friction?

    Essentially, work is just force multiplied by distance. This is the key equation we’ll use to determine the work done by friction as well as the work done by gravity. We’ll also include the general formula for force, as well as the specific formula for the frictional force.


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