How successful is a second stem cell transplant?

How successful is a second stem cell transplant?

The trial team concluded that having a second autologous stem cell transplant after relapsing from a prior transplant improved progression free survival and worked better than low dose chemotherapy. They suggest that the findings of this trial might help guide doctors on the best way to treat this group of patients.

Can multiple myeloma come back after stem cell transplant?

Healthy stem cells are then transplanted. These can either come from you (autologous) or a donor (allogenic). While receiving a stem cell transplant can cause multiple myeloma to go into remission, it isn’t a cure. This means it can come back in the future.

How long will I live after a stem cell transplant?

A stem cell transplant may help you live longer. In some cases, it can even cure blood cancers. About 50,000 transplantations are performed yearly, with the number increasing 10% to 20% each year. More than 20,000 people have now lived five years or longer after having a stem cell transplant.

How many stem cells do you need for transplant?

How many stem cells are needed? The number of stem cells needed varies with the treatment choice or the number of doses requested. The ideal number is 5–10 million per kilogram of the recipient’s weight per transplant dose. The minimum number is 1–2 million stem cells per kilogram per transplant dose.

What is the longest someone has lived after a bone marrow transplant?

The recipient of a bone marrow transplant in 1963, Nancy King McLain is one of the world’s longest living bone marrow transplant survivors.

What is the life expectancy after stem cell transplant?

Life expectancy in patients surviving more than 5 years after hematopoietic cell transplantation. CONCLUSION Patients who have survived for at least 5 years after hematopoietic cell transplantation without recurrence of the original disease have a high probability of surviving for an additional 15 years, but life expectancy is not fully restored.

What are the signs of multiple myeloma relapse?

Based on what I know (depending on the type of multiple myeloma you have), rising IgG, IgA, kappa lambda light chain ratio going out of spec, and light chains in the urine are signs of a possible relapse or becoming refractory to treatment.


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