Is grade 2 breast cancer serious?

Is grade 2 breast cancer serious?

These cancers tend to grow and spread slowly and have a good outlook (prognosis). Intermediate grade (grade 2) the cells look quite different to normal breast cells. They are moderately differentiated. This means the features and outlook (prognosis) are somewhere between well and poorly differentiated.

Is grade 2 breast cancer curable?

Stage 2 breast cancer is very treatable and the overall outlook is good. As with most types of cancer, the earlier your cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome.

Is invasive ductal carcinoma stage 2?

Specifically, the invasive ductal carcinoma stages are: Stage 1 – A breast tumor is smaller than 2 centimeters in diameter and the cancer has not spread beyond the breast. Stage 2 – A breast tumor measures 2 to 4 centimeters in diameter or cancerous cells have spread to the lymph nodes in the underarm area.

Does grade 2 breast cancer need chemo?

Systemic therapy (chemo and other drugs) Systemic therapy (drugs that travel to almost every part of the body) is recommended for some women with stage II breast cancer. Some systemic therapies are given before surgery (neoadjuvant therapy), and others are given after surgery (adjuvant therapy).

What does grade mean in cancer?

A cancer’s grade describes how abnormal the cancer cells and tissue look under a microscope when compared to healthy cells. Cancer cells that look and organize most like healthy cells and tissue are low grade tumors. Doctors describe these cancers as being well differentiated.

How long can one live with Stage 2 breast cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, the five-year survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer is 93% for women who have completed treatment. By contrast, women with stage 3 cancer have a five-year survival rate of 72%. Treatments have improved greatly over that time, so you may hope for longer-term survival if you are newly diagnosed.

What is the life expectancy of someone with breast cancer?

They also studied the data on 1,022 untreated patients in other studies, and found a median survival time of 2.3 years. In a few rare cases, women suffering from advanced breast cancer have experienced regressions.

How serious is invasive ductal carcinoma?

Even though it’s noninvasive, it can lead to invasive cancer. It’s important that women with the disease get treatment. Research shows that the risk of getting invasive cancer is low if you’ve been treated for DCIS. If it isn’t treated, 30% to 50% if women with DCIS will get invasive cancer.

What is the prognosis for Stage 2 breast cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer is 93 percent for women who have completed treatment. By contrast, women with stage 3 cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 72 percent.


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