Which pulley is incision for trigger finger release?

Which pulley is incision for trigger finger release?

Surgery to correct Trigger Finger is called an A1 pulley release. This involves a small incision in the palm to access and release the A1 pulley. The A1 pulley is cut, allowing the flexor tendons to move through the pulley/tendon sheath without getting stuck.

How big is the incision for trigger finger surgery?

Percutaneous trigger finger release surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia. Your surgeon makes one small incision on the affected finger area, about an inch long and releases the tight portion of the flexor tendon sheath.

How long does it take to recover from surgery for trigger finger?

Your doctor will take out your stitches 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. It will probably take about 6 weeks for your finger to heal completely. After it heals, your finger may move easily without pain. How soon you can return to work depends on your job.

Does each finger have an A1 pulley?

There are five flexor tendon pulleys in the fingers that are named A1-A5, and consists of annular ligament pulleys, and cruciate pulleys i.e. The flexor tendon pulley system. The thumb only has two pulleys that are described as A1 and A2.

What is a Brunner incision?

The traditional Bruner incision is the approach that is most common (1). It is a zigzag incision that angles at the flexion creases of the metacarpophalangeal (MP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints (Fig. 14-2).

Do you wear a brace after trigger finger surgery?

Your finger will be placed in a bulky dressing (bandage) and a splint after surgery. The splint helps to protect the incision site, lessen the swelling and improve the finger extension after surgery. Two days after surgery, you may remove the dressing, yellow gauze, and splint from your incision.

What are the surgery options to treat my trigger finger?

Regular physical therapy to stretch and exercise the affected finger or thumb.

  • Wearing a splint on the affected finger or thumb to essentially keep it straightened for a prolonged period of time,along with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Steroid injection Trusted Source (s) into the site of the affected finger or thumb.
  • How do you cure trigger finger without surgery?

    Some include anti-inflammatory medication, hot and cold therapy, wearing a trigger finger brace, and stretches or exercises to help alleviate your symptoms. Sometimes, a trigger finger or thumb brace is not enough to take care of the condition and trigger finger surgery is necessary.

    What type of surgery is done to correct trigger finger?

    There are two main types of surgery: open trigger finger release surgery and percutaneous trigger finger release surgery. Open surgery involves making a small incision near the base of your affected finger and cutting open the constricted section of tendon sheath.

    Is it possible to heal trigger finger without surgery?

    Unfortunately, if none of these methods treats or reduces your pain, surgery is pursued. An estimated 85% of instances of trigger finger can be treated without surgery, though the odds of this go down if the condition goes untreated for six months or more.


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