How do I change the default port for Apache?

How do I change the default port for Apache?

To change the port number, follow the steps below:

  1. Edit the /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf file and modify the value specified in the Port directive. For example: Listen 8443
  2. Restart the Apache server for changes to take effect. sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache.

Can I change port 80?

If you find port 80 is a security risk on your network, you can change the Apache listening port to something non-standard. The one caveat to this is that when you change the default port, all browsers will have to point to that specific port, otherwise any virtual host using the non-default port will not render.

How do I run Apache on port 80?

Configure Apache Web Site to Use Multiple Ports

  1. Context: In my example, I ran Apache on Port 80 on a single IP.
  2. Step 1: Open Apache configuration File httpd.conf (on my windows host, it’s located here: “c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf”)
  3. Step 2: Find the line: Listen 80 and Type Listen 8080 on the next line:

Is port 8080 insecure?

No port is secure. 8080 is not secure. In TCP/IP security is a layer that has to be added. You have to add SSL to your IP to make your port secure.

How do I find out what port Apache is running on?

1 Answer

  1. lsof -i will list open ports and the corresponding applications. lsof | grep apache for apache.
  2. See /etc/hosts for IP addresses connected to names.
  3. See /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for settings about the sites that are active for Apache.
  4. See /etc/apache2/ports.conf for the Listen .

How do I change my default port from 80 to 8080 in Apache?

Here are the steps to change port number in Apache in Ubuntu from 80 to 8080.

  1. Open Apache Config File. Open terminal and run the following command to open Apache server configuration file.
  2. Change Apache Port Number.
  3. Open Virtual Host Configuration (for Ubuntu/Debian)
  4. Restart Apache Server.

Can Httpd listen on multiple ports?

Multiple ports can be configured via Listen directive under Apache web server. By default httpd listens on TCP port 80.

Can we change Apache port?

During installation, port 80 is required to install the Apache web server. If you have another product installed that uses port 80, you must change the Apache HTTP port to another port number before you start the application that is using port 80.

How to change Apache port?

Open Xampp Control Panel

  • Go to Config ► Service and Port Settings ► Apache
  • Replace the Main Port and SSL Port values ​​with those chosen (e.g. 8012 and 8013 ).
  • Save Service settings
  • Save Configuration of Control Panel
  • Restart the Apache Server It should work now.
  • What is the default port for Apache Tomcat web server?

    Latest Version: Tomcat 10.x (Compatible with JDK1.8 or later) Developer (s): Apache Software Foundation Programming languages used: Java Classifications: Application server Default port number: 8080 (changeable) Gives two built-in containers: Servlet Container, JSP container Servlet Container name: CATALINA JSP Container name: JASPER HTTP Connector: Coyote

    What is the default port number?

    The default CMS port number is 6400. This ports fall within the range of ports reserved by Business Objects (6400 to 6410). Thus, BusinessObjects Enterprise communication on these ports should not conflict with third-party applications that you have in place.

    How do I enable SSL on Apache?

    This module provides SSL support to Apache. It is disabled by default, so you need to enable the SSL module first. You can enable the SSL module by running: After you have enabled SSL, you’ll have to restart the Apache service for the change to be recognized.


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