Do you need to soak sweet pea seeds before planting?

Do you need to soak sweet pea seeds before planting?

Many people recommend soaking seeds overnight before sowing to help them germinate. This is because some varieties have a hard outer shell. However, others suggest that soaking may lead to weaker plants. Generally, sweet peas should germinate fine without any treatment.

What month do you plant sweet peas?

In most locations where frosts occur, sweet peas should be planted in very late winter or early spring as soon as the soil is dry enough to work. (Do not wait to sow until last frost.)

How long does it take to grow sweet pea from seed?

Mice love sweet pea seeds and your whole crop may disappear in one go so keep them somewhere mouse-free or try soaking the seeds in liquid seaweed fertiliser before sowing to make them unpalatable. Check for germination every day and don’t water until you see seedlings start to come through, usually in 10-14 days.

How do you grow Sweetpeas from seed?

Sweet pea seeds germinate relatively easily. But you can help activate germination by nicking the seed coat with a knife, avoiding the ‘eye’ area. Either sow seed in 9cm pots (3 to a pot), in root trainers or trays. Sow the seed in a good quality, peat-free compost, and place in a cold frame or greenhouse.

How deep do you plant sweet pea seeds?

about 1cm deep
Use a good quality compost and sow several sweet pea seeds to a pot. Plant them about 1cm deep, cover with compost and water them well. Sweet peas perform best if their roots are forced to grow in a deep, narrow channel so choose a tall pot to give them a strong start.

Is it too late to sow sweet peas in April?

It is not too late to sow sweet pea seeds, they will be a bit behind ones sown earlier, but will flower later as well. Morrisons were selling 7cm square pots with about a dozen seedlings in , last weekend, if you wanted to risk splitting them.

Is it too late to plant sweet peas in May?

Do not wait until last frost! As a general rule of thumb, you should start your seeds inside about 6-8 weeks before your last expected frost. If you wait until after you have seen your last frost, you may be too late to plant and see a good result from your sweet peas.

Can you put sweet peas seeds straight into the ground?

Sweet Peas – Sowing Seeds Directly into the Garden: Technique Tips with Photos. In mild winter climates, where the ground does not freeze, sweet pea seeds should be fall-sown directly into the garden from September through November to grow strong root systems and then bloom in spring.

Is it too late to sow sweet peas?

How do you make sweet peas wigwam?

Step By Step Guide

  1. First fill a large patio container with good quality multi-purpose compost.
  2. Insert five or more 6ft/180cm bamboo canes to form a circle, tying the tops together with garden twine.
  3. With a hand trowel, plant three sweet pea seedlings at the base of each support.

How long does it take sweet peas to sprout?

10 to 28 days
Seeds take anywhere from 10 to 28 days to germinate completely, depending on weather and soil temperature. If your sweet peas do not germinate well, dig down to see if the seeds are still there.

When is the growing season for sweet peas?

In areas with cold winters, the best time to plant sweet peas is in spring after the last frost date. Speed up the growing process by starting sweet pea seeds indoors four to six weeks before the last frost date. By the time the spring planting season is under way, the sweet pea seedlings will be ready to go into the ground.

What is the germination time for sweet peas?

Seed-to-Bloom Time. Sweet peas are grown from seeds at the beginning of each growing season. After germination, the seedlings develop into bushy plants before producing buds and flowers. The time between planting seeds and flowering is generally three to four months.

When do you plant sweet peas?

There is not a specific date to plant sweet pea seeds as long as you plant them in the fall: anytime in October (no hurry at that point), November or by early December. Sweet pea seeds planted in October do as well as those planted in November.

How do you care for sweet peas?

Method In warmer regions (zone 7 and above) where winter weather is relatively mild, sweet peas can be sown in fall. While the seeds are soaking, fill your planting pots with good quality potting soil. Sow 2 seeds per pot, poking them a half inch into the soil with your finger.


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