What is the color code for bottle green?
What is the color code for bottle green?
Bottle Green color hex code is #006A4E.
What is the CMYK code for green?
Information about Green / #00FF00 In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #00FF00 is made of 100% cyan, 0% magenta, 100% yellow and 0% black. Green has a hue angle of 120 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 50%.
What color is green in RGB?
Green color code chart
HTML / CSS Color Name | Hex Code #RRGGBB | Decimal Code (R,G,B) |
lime | #00FF00 | rgb(0,255,0) |
forestgreen | #228B22 | rgb(34,139,34) |
green | #008000 | rgb(0,128,0) |
darkgreen | #006400 | rgb(0,100,0) |
What is the CMYK equivalent of RGB?
RGB to CMYK table
Color name | (R,G,B) | (C,M,Y,K) |
White | (255,255,255) | (0,0,0,0) |
Red | (255,0,0) | (0,1,1,0) |
Green | (0,255,0) | (1,0,1,0) |
Blue | (0,0,255) | (1,1,0,0) |
Is bottle green a Colour?
Bottle green is a dark and elegant shade. It can be associated with nature and peace. In HEX color code it’s #326647, while in PANTONE color palette it bears the number 7734 C along with the name Hunter. In fact, the color is also known as hunter green, as well as British racing green.
What is the purest green color?
The hexadecimal color code #008b29 is a medium dark shade of green. In the RGB color model #008b29 is comprised of 0% red, 54.51% green and 16.08% blue. In the HSL color space #008b29 has a hue of 138° (degrees), 100% saturation and 27% lightness.
What is dark green color called?
Emerald is a brilliant, deep green, like the gemstone from which it takes its name. Early evidence for use of emerald as color word comes from William Shakespeare in the early 1600s.
What is the CMYK color of bottle green?
The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:100 M:0 Y:27 K:58. In the HSV/HSB scale, Bottle Green has a hue of 164°, 100% saturation and a brightness value of 42%. Details of other color codes including equivalent web safe and HTML & CSS colors are given in the table below.
What are the color codes for classic bottle green?
Classic Bottle Green Color Codes Hex Code #115237 RGB Values (17, 82, 55) CMYK Values (79%, 0%, 33%, 68%) HSV/HSB Values (155°, 79%, 32%) Closest Web Safe #006633
What is the CMYK of the green hex value?
CMYK Green Hex: #00a550 RGB: 0, 80, 165 CMYK: 100, 0, 52, 35
What color is bottle green in HTML?
Bottle green is a dark green color representative of the color of a clear green glass bottle. It is not a part of the web colors list and cannot be used by name in HTML and CSS code. However, the color can be applied on web pages through its hex, RGB or HSL values.