Are turtles Type 2 survivorship curve?

Are turtles Type 2 survivorship curve?

Worldwide, reptile populations are in decline due to habitat destruction and human disturbances. Healthy populations of turtles normally show this type of survivorship curve, where there is nearly equal probability of death for all ages (Frazer 1991). A Type II survivorship curve is linear, with a negative slope.

Are Wolves Type 2 survivorship curve?

Figure 3: Gray wolves have a Type II survivorship curve because the probability of survival for any individual is relatively even throughout their life.

Do rabbits have a Type 2 survivorship curve?

A slightly concave or sigmoid survivorship curve is characteristic of many birds, mice and rabbits. In these animals, the mortality rate is high during the younger stage but becomes lower and almost constant in the adult stage (1 year or older).

Why do birds have a Type 2 survivorship curve?

Many bird species have a Type II survivorship curve. In a Type II curve, organisms die more or less equally at each age interval. Organisms with this type of survivorship curve may also have relatively few offspring and provide significant parental care.

Are elephants K or R selected?

Elephants, humans, and bison are all k-selected species. On the other hand, r-selected species often inhabit unstable environments and are completely density independent. These species often have short life expectancies, produce as many offspring as they can, and invest very low amounts of parental care.

Do sea turtles have Type 3 survivorship curve?

Survivorship varies significantly across age-classes, with mortality generally inversely related to age (type III survivorship). Survivorship also varies significantly across habitat types, with marine and terrestrial turtles exhibiting higher survivorship early in life than freshwater turtles.

What species is type2?

For populations with Type II survivorship, the mortality of an individual does not depend on its age. Commonly listed examples of this include rodents, adult birds, and certain turtle species.

Do elephants have a Type 1 survivorship curve?

Elephants have a Type I survivorship curve (mortality increases with age), and fecundity decreases with age.

Do squirrels have a Type 2 survivorship curve?

Many birds, small mammals such as squirrels, and small reptiles, like lizards, have a Type II survivorship curve.

Is Rabbit Type 1 or 2 survivorship?

In between, there are some organisms like birds, mice, rabbits, butterflies, etc. Such organisms follow the Type II or B curve of survivorship. Within these, there are some organisms (like butterflies and other insects) that lean more towards the A curve, and therefore follow a B1 curve.

Are kangaroos r-selected or K-selected?

While many of the “K” strategists tend to be large animals, and many of the “r” strategists smaller animals, there are notable exceptions among both. In Australian marsupials, the kangaroos and wallabies serve as an excellent example of how the environment can help shape an animal’s reproductive strategy.

Are monkeys r-selected?

K-selected species are characterized by long gestation periods lasting several months, slow maturation (and thus extended parental care), and long life spans. Examples of K-selected species include birds, larger mammals (such as elephants, horses, and primates), and larger plants.

What does it mean to have a type 2 survivorship curve?

In population ecology: Survivorship curves …any age, shown by the Type II survivorship curve, is evident as a straight line with a constant slope that decreases over time toward zero. Certain lizards, perching birds, and rodents exhibit this type of survivorship curve.

What are the three types of survivorship?

There are three types of survivorship curves and they are simply referred to as type I, type II, and type III. A type I survivorship curve shows individuals that have a high probability of surviving through early and middle life but have a rapid decline in the number of individuals surviving into late life.

What is the survivorship curve?

A survivorship curve is the graphic representation of the number of individuals in a population that can be expected to survive to any specific age. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

What is a survivorship curve in biology?

survivorship curve is a graph that measures the proportion of individuals in a given species that are alive at different ages. Typically, the number of individuals of the population is plotted on the y-axis of the graph and the age of survivorship is plotted on the x-axis of the graph. There are three types of survivorship curves, and they are simply referred to as type I, type II, and type III.


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