What is the anode on Mercruiser for?

What is the anode on Mercruiser for?

Mil-Spec magnesium anodes are designed to provide superb corrosion protection for Mercruiser outdrives that operate in fresh water only. They are the strongest anodes available but should not be used in salt or brackish water.

When should I change my boat anodes?

Generally speaking you should replace your anodes when they appear to be half their original size. A season is considered 6 months. Now, there are many factors that determine how long you anodes will last. If you use the boat longer or if you stay in the water year-round, you will have to change your anodes mid-season.

When should Mercruiser anodes be replaced?

Why Anodes Need Replacing You should change your anode at least every 12 months or when it has corroded to half its original size to ensure it is working to its optimum level.

How many zinc anodes do I need?

So, how much sacrificial zinc does your boat need? Cathode protection systems vary depending on the type and size of your boat and where it will operate. Typically, sacrificial anodes should have 1 to 2 percent of the surface area of the metal surface it needs to protect.

How often should you change anodes on a boat?

How often should anodes be replaced?

Most water heater manufacturers will recommend inspecting the condition of the sacrificial anode every one (1) to three (3) years and replacing it when it has been consumed more than 50%. This is especially true if you have hard water or use a water softener.

What is the advantage of a Bravo 3 outdrive?

For example, in stock applications, midrange efficiency and control is better. A Bravo Three also can mean reduced planing and cruising speeds. What’s more, if you use your boat for towing skiers, riders, or tubers, a Bravo Three drive is better for that, too. It has more bite, so the hole shot is better.

How much does it cost to service a Bravo 3 outdrive?

This service is $220. Is this necessary and how often should this type of service be done? $220 to pull the outdrive and check the alignment sounds like a deal.

What do anodes on boats do?

As mentioned above, a boat anode purpose is to protect areas of the boat from corrosion. Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are immersed in a conductive solution and are electrically connected. We recommend replacing anodes when they are half eroded or dissolved, which is typically once a year.


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