What are the categories for powerlifting?

What are the categories for powerlifting?


Type International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) weight classes: Women: 47 kg, 52 kg, 57 kg, 63 kg, 69 kg, 76 kg, 84 kg, 84 kg+ Men: 59 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 83 kg, 93 kg, 105 kg, 120 kg, 120 kg+
Olympic No
Paralympic Yes

What is considered raw powerlifting?

In theory, “Raw” powerlifting means lifting with little to no additional equipment. In practice, “Raw” powerlifting means in competition, athletes are (generally) only allowed to use approved lifting belts, an approved singlet, approved wrist wraps, approved knee sleeves, and chalk.

What is 100% Raw powerlifting?

The 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation was established in 1999 with the goal to showcase Powerlifters safely competing with no special “support” equipment and 100% Drug-Free! These rules merely regulate the conditions under which competition will take place. The following will constitute anti-doping violations.

What is a Class 1 powerlifting?

Class I: A skilled lifter. A Class I lifter is significantly stronger than the average person that engages in regular intense weight training. Class I lifters are likely to have 4+ years of experience with serious powerlifting training.

What is the difference between raw and equipped powerlifting?

The difference between the two classifications boils down to this: Raw lifters shun the use of some or all supportive equipment such as weightlifting belts, knee wraps, bench press shirts, and squat suits. Equipped lifters don’t. Here’s why it matters: Equipped lifters can typically lift more weight.

What are the three powerlifting disciplines?

The three disciplines, in contest order, that make up the sport are the Squat, Bench press and Deadlift.

What counts as a raw deadlift?

WHAT IS LIFTING “RAW”? Technically speaking, “raw” in the world of powerlifting means lifting with little to no additional equipment (lifting belts, bench shirts, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, etc.).

What is raw or equipped powerlifting?

Can you use a belt in raw powerlifting?

IPF & USAPL Approved List of Powerlifting Gear For Classic/Raw. In Raw competitions, you’re a bit restricted on the allowed gear. You can use a belt, singlet, wrist wraps, and knee sleeves.

What are the 3 lifts in powerlifting?

The sport of powerlifting is based on three activities: the squat, the bench press and the deadlift. Despite its name, powerlifting is an exercise in strength not power. The object is to lift as much weight as you can; the very top lifters in the sport can hoist over 1,000 pounds.

Can you wear a belt in raw powerlifting?

What are the raw powerlifting standards?

These are raw powerlifting standards. That is: Only gear allowed is belt and straps. These standards do not account for other gear such as suits, knee wraps, bands etc. Standards apply to qualified lifts with correct, proper form: below parallel depth for squats, pause in the bench press, and no hitching in deadlifts.

What is a powerlifter Class II?

Similarly, a powerlifter may be Class II in all single lifts, but a Master in the powerlifting total since he/she would be more balanced. Notice that the individual standards for the three lifts do not add up to the standards for powerlifting total.

What are the age standards for powerlifting?

The standards apply mostly to people between the ages of 18 – 50. Lifters younger or elder than the said range would have less strict standards. Notice that the individual standards for the three lifts do not add up to the standards for powerlifting total.

What is a powerlifting total?

The Powerlifting Total is the sum of the lifter’s best squat, bench press, and deadlift performed within a sanctioned powerlifting competition. These lifting classifications apply to a drug free lifter that is competing without the use of any supportive equipment other than a lifting belt and wrist wraps .


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