What is middle class income in CA?

What is middle class income in CA?

Middle Class in Los Angeles County

Persons in Household Household Income
Lower Class Middle Class
1 Up to $32,793 $32,794 to $98,380
2 Up to $46,376 $46,377 to $139,130
3 Up to $56,799 $56,800 to $170,399

What income is considered rich in California?

The site used U.S. Census Bureau income data to determine the salary a household needs to earn to be in the city’s top 20% of earners – what they define as “rich.” In Los Angeles, you’ll need to earn $135,373 or more to be considered a “rich” person in the top 20% of the city’s nearly 4 million residents.

What is the average salary in California 2020?

79,495 U.S. dollars
In 2020, the average annual pay of employees in California totaled to 79,495 U.S. dollars. This is a significant increase from 2001, when the average annual pay of employees was 41,327 U.S. dollars.

What is considered middle class income in Los Angeles County?

An annual income of between two and seven times the California Poverty Measure is considered middle class, Ms. Bohn said. Therefore, she estimates a middle class income in Los Angeles County for a family of four that rents a home to be between $65,030 and $227,605.

How much money do you need to be middle class?

That’s about $32,500 per year for a family of four, compared with the national poverty line, which is estimated to be about $25,700. An annual income of between two and seven times the California Poverty Measure is considered middle class, Ms. Bohn said.

What is considered middle income in the Inland Empire?

In the Inland Empire, a middle income for that family would be between $60,336 and $211,177. In Orange County, those numbers are $71,920 to $251,722.

How are middle-income salaries calculated?

To calculate middle income salaries for different regions, Ms. Bohn uses the California Poverty Measure, an estimate of the poverty line that the institute developed with Stanford University, which adjusts for costs of living across the state.


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