How does pre oxygenation work?

How does pre oxygenation work?

Preoxygenation is the administration of oxygen to a patient prior to intubation to extend ‘the safe apnoea time’. The primary mechanism is ‘denitrogenation’ of the lungs, however maximal preoxygenation is achieved when the alveolar, arterial, tissue, and venous compartments are all filled with oxygen.

What is Apnoeic oxygenation?

Apnoeic oxygenation involves the mass flow of a high fraction of inspired oxygen, aided by flushing of dead space, generation of positive airway pressure and cardiogenic oscillations. Higher flow rates can enable clearance of carbon dioxide.

Why do we Preoxygenate for 3 minutes?

[11] showed that preoxygenation with 3 min tidal volume breathing of 100% oxygen offers more protection against hypoxia due to prolonged apnea after induction of anesthesia than does four maximal breaths of 100% oxygen.

How do you do apneic oxygen?


  1. ensure patient is preoxygenated with nasal cannula in situ (15 L/min oxygen flow rate) (see Preoxygenation)
  2. administer induction agent.
  3. maintain the nasal cannula flow rate at 15 L/min and adminster oxygen via bag-valve-mask (BVM) as well.
  4. If SpO2 <95% consider apneic oxygenation with positive pressure.

What is the true physiologic goal of pre oxygenation?

INTRODUCTION. The purpose of pre-oxygenation is to increase physiological stores of oxygen in order to prolong the time to desaturation during a period of apnoea, such as frequently happens upon induction of anaesthesia.

What is the main purpose of Preoxygenation prior to suctioning?

Preoxygenation is a technique of increasing inspired oxygen immediately prior to the suction procedure to increase arterial oxygen saturation. It has been suggested that preoxygenation may minimise the hypoxemia and other adverse effects associated with endotracheal suctioning (Young 1984; Cheng 1989).

Why do we Preoxygenate patients?

Preoxygenation, or administration of oxygen prior to induction of anesthesia, is an essential component of an airway management. Preoxygenation is used to increase oxygen reserves in order to prevent hypoxemia during apnea.

What is Apnoeic threshold?

The concept of apneic threshold implies that there is a threshold for arterial CO 2 tension below which spontaneous breathing ceases. This paper describes a new method for measuring this threshold under clinical conditions in the operating room.

What is apneic period?

Apnea (AP-nee-ah) is a pause in breathing that lasts 20 seconds or longer for full-term infants. If a pause in breathing lasts less than 20 seconds and makes your baby’s heart beat more slowly (bradycardia) or if he turns pale or bluish (cyanotic), it can also be called apnea.

What is intubate and Extubate?

Your doctor or anesthesiologist (a doctor who puts you to “sleep” for surgery) puts a tube (endotracheal tube, or ETT) down your throat and into your windpipe. This helps to get air into and out of your lungs. The process is called intubation. Extubation is taking that tube out.

Why is pre oxygenation and post oxygenation so important in the suctioning procedure?

Why Preoxygenation Is Important During suctioning, a patient cannot breathe normally. Suctioning doesn’t just remove secretions; it also removes oxygen, and so prolonged suctioning may increase the risk of a hypoxic state. Limit tracheal suctioning to less than 15 seconds to lower the risk.

What is apnoeic oxygenation and how is it used?

Apnoeic oxygenation is used to extend the ‘safe apnoea time’ beyond that which can be achieved by preoxygenation alone. Apnoeic oxygenation is merely an adjunct, it is not a substitute for effective preoxygenation. Apnoeic oxygenation is most commonly provided using nasal cannulae in addition to a face mask.

How long can apnoeic oxygenation be prolonged?

Half a dozen observational studies with small numbers of patients showing that safe apnoea times can be prolonged up to 55 minutes with apnoeic oxygenation provided by tracheal catheters or equivalent devices

Are high flow nasal cannulae suitable for apnoeic oxygenation?

High flow nasal cannulae have been used for apnoeic oxygenation (e.g. THRIVE study) however they are more likely to impair face mask seal during preoxygenation and some devices do not generate high enough FiO2

Does apnoeic oxygenation reduce critical desaturation and increase SpO2?

This meta-analysis found evidence that apnoeic oxygenation may significantly reduce the incidence of critical desaturation and significantly raises the minimum recorded SpO2 in this setting.


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