How does a wave-cut platform forms?

How does a wave-cut platform forms?

A wave-cut platform is formed when the following occurs:

  1. The sea attacks the base of the cliff between the high and low water mark.
  2. A wave-cut notch is formed by erosional processes such as abrasion and hydraulic action – this is a dent in the cliff usually at the level of high tide.

How are wave-cut platforms formed ks3?

The formation of a wave-cut platform created when a cliff recedes is illustrated. Weaknesses at the base of a headland are increased through erosion. Over time, gaps in the rock grow to form first a cave, then an arch, culminating in the formation of a stack.

How are shore platforms formed?

Shore platforms form in the intertidal zone as a consequence of the erosion of cliffs bounding a landmass. The platform surface is then exposed to subaerial weathering for a considerable part of the tidal cycle.

What creates a wave-cut platform and how would such a platform become a Marine Terrace?

Wave action undercuts a newly uplifted land area to create a wave-cut platform at sea level that ends against a retreating seacliff. The wave-cut platform becomes a marine terrace if uplift or sea level drop elevates the platform above sea level.

Is a wave-cut platform erosion or deposition?

Wave refraction either concentrates wave energy or disperses it. In quiet water areas, such as bays, wave energy is dispersed, so sand is deposited. A wave-cut platform is the level area formed by wave erosion as the waves undercut a cliff.

How are wave cut platforms formed 6 marks?

A wave cut platform is formed by the sea attacking the cliff face though different types of erosion e.g. abrasion and hydraulic action. Abrasion is where cliffs are worn down from destructive waves and the throwing of material in the waves.

What does this wave-cut platform indicate?

What does this wave-cut platform indicate? A lowering of sea level relative to the land.

Which fort is built on wave-cut platform?

A typical wave-cut platform at Janjira-Murud c. 140 km south of Mumbai along the west coast of India. This view looking towards the south shows the hilly terrain around the area and the Janjira sea fort in the background.

Why do the cliffs move backwards to reveal the wave-cut platform?

Continual erosion causes the notch to become larger. Eventually, the cliff becomes unsupported and collapses into the sea. The cliff moves backs and leaves behind a wavecut platform which can be seen at low tide.

How are waves formed BBC Bitesize?

Waves are created by wind blowing over the surface of the sea.

How are cliffs and shore platforms formed?

Cliffs and wave-cut platforms are landforms commonly found along the coast. Processes of coastal erosion and weathering are responsible for shaping cliffs. Less resistant (soft) rock erodes quickly, forming gentle sloping cliffs. A wave-cut notch is created by erosional processes such as hydraulic action and abrasion.

What does a wave cut platform start with?

A wave-cut platform is formed when the following occurs: The sea attacks the base of the cliff between the high and low water mark. A wave-cut notch is formed by erosional processes such as abrasion and hydraulic action – this is a dent in the cliff usually at the level of high tide. As the notch increases in size, the cliff becomes unstable and collapses, leading to the retreat of the cliff face.

How is a wave cut off cliff formed?

A wave cut notch is simply a small indent at the base of a cliff formed when a cliff is undercut by the sea. When a wave breaks on a cliff, all of the wave’s energy is concentrated on one specific point and this section of the cliff experiences more rapid erosion via corrasion.

How is a wave cut notch formed?

A wave-cut notch is formed when sea waves undercut the base of a cliff. As the force of the waves continually weaken the base, the overhanging rock or the area above the notch eventually caves in.

Where is wave cut platform found?

A wave-cut platform, shore platform, coastal bench, or wave-cut cliff is the narrow flat area often found at the base of a sea cliff or along the shoreline of a lake, bay, or sea that was created by erosion .


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