Are brittanys good family dogs?

Are brittanys good family dogs?

Brittanys make great family dogs…for the right family. With their joie de vivre and attachment to their people, Brittanys can make wonderful pets. Given enough exercise, they’re doting, patient, and gentle in the home.

Are brittanys good hunting dogs?

Brittanys fall into the versatile dog category. If you want to find quail, a pointer is the standard, especially where speed and range are required. But for thick cover hunting, especially for grouse and woodcock, Brittanys are ideal.

Are brittanys good with cats?

Brittanys are a good choice for a family with active children, but their energy level might be overwhelming for toddlers. Brittanys enjoy the company of other dogs and can also get along fine with cats, especially if they’re introduced at an early age.

Do brittanys like water?

The Brittany’s lifespan is 10 to 12 years and they are typically free of health problems. These dogs love exercise and have endless stamina. Their coat makes them resistant to cold and water, so swimming is an excellent choice….Brittany Spaniel.

Size: Medium (25 to 60 lbs.)
Lifespan: Long (12 to 15+ years)
Similar Breeds:

Are brittanys aggressive?

Some Brittanys will be dominant and aggressive to other dogs. Some Brittanys will stalk and kill cats. However, a majority of rescue Brittanys are good with cats and other dogs. Because of their sensitive natures, Brittanys can be trained to live with cats, and usually they are not aggressive to other dogs.

Do Brittanys have good noses?

Well-bred Brittanys of both types have notably strong pointing instincts and excellent noses. They’re known for their enthusiasm and, like most great hunting dogs, their ability to con you into allowing them on the couch after a long day in the field.

Are Brittanys good grouse dogs?

far-ranging dogs. My best grouse dog is arguably my Brittany, Powder, who is anything but a boot polisher back home. But in Wisconsin she closes up considerably. Much more important is that, when she cuts scent, she slows down and works it out, no matter how long it takes to find the bird.

Are Brittanys hyper?

If left alone too much and not given outlets for his energy, you’re likely to see hyperactivity, barking, and destructive chewing. When well socialized, most Brittany Spaniels are polite and gentle with everyone and peaceful with other animals.

Are Brittanys good hiking dogs?

Hiking Miles: Brittanys are at ease in the outdoors and will enjoy long, brisk hikes for five-plus miles. As with running, expect frequent interruptions for bird chasing or scent tracking during your hike.

What happened to the Cape Wind Energy Project?

The Lease was relinquished on May 10, 2018. The Cape Wind Energy Project was proposed by Cape Wind Associates, LLC (CWA) in November 2001. Prior to BOEM’s involvement, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assumed the lead Federal regulatory role under the River and Harbors Act, and issued a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in November 2004.

Is Cape Wind a good idea for Nantucket Sound?

While most people agree that the United States should develop additional sources of wind energy, those opposing the Cape Wind project insist that Nantucket Sound is not the place to build such a large project. Opponents argue that the project is too large and will be unsightly, negatively affecting tourism and property values.

Do Cape Cod residents support or oppose Cape Wind?

A December 2009 poll by the University of Delaware found that 57% of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket residents supported the Cape Wind project, though public opinion about the project has varied throughout the more than 10-year process. Vacation Home Owners: Many vacation home owners are concerned about the impact the \

When was the Cape Wind Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) published?

On January 18, 2008, the Cape Wind draft EIS was published, and the final EIS was published on January 21, 2009. In December 2009, the EPA Clean Air Act General Conformity Determination was issued.


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