Are Damon braces really better?

Are Damon braces really better?

Since Damon Braces are self-ligating, the teeth are more adaptable to movement. They are much more gentle on teeth and sensitive mouth tissue, allowing for faster and more comfortable treatment. Plus, the minimal and elastic-free design of Damon Braces attracts less plaque and makes brushing and flossing easier!

What are Damon braces used for?

Damon braces are used to treat a variety of dental problems, although you’ll need to consult an orthodontist to determine if they’re the right system for you. Damon braces work as well as other systems for many issues such as an overbite, an underbite, uneven teeth, or crowded teeth.

Are Damon brackets smaller?

The Damon system of braces have a number of advantages over traditional braces, including: Appearance. They are smaller and more aesthetically pleasing than traditional braces.

Do Damon braces widen your smile?

Damon braces widen your smile even when teeth crowding is minimal. Your smile widens more as the teeth’ alignment starts to take shape.

Which braces are fastest?

Nowadays, there are several options of braces that work the fastest. Typical metallic braces treatment has been refined and developed to give much better and quicker results. Now ceramic braces, lingual braces, self ligating braces and functional braces are considered as fastest braces to straighten teeth.

Do Damon braces have color?

Damon braces are available in two versions—metal and clear. However, patients of any age can wear Damon Clear braces. Other than the color and material used for the brackets, there is no difference in length of treatment, treatment quality, or results between metal and clear braces.

Do Damon braces stain?

– Damon Clear Braces are Stain Resistant With No Elastic Bands. Not only are Damon Clear Braces stain resistant but they do not require elastic bands. This helps keep a natural look; and your child’s braces incognito.

Can Damon braces widen the jaw?

They widen your arches giving a fuller, more pleasing smile than traditional braces. Damon Braces also remove the need to get teeth extracted, which is welcome news for everyone. First lets read a bit more about what Damon Braces can do for the fullness of your smile and the shape of your jaw.

Do Damon braces move teeth faster?

Do Damon Braces Work Faster? No, technically, Damon braces and other self-ligating braces don’t move teeth faster. Your teeth move in response to pressure and it doesn’t matter whether the force is coming from Damon system braces, conventional braces or clear aligners.

Are Damon braces really better than regular braces?

One claim is that Damon braces are more comfortable than traditional braces. It’s believed that the sliding mechanism could allow teeth to shift or move at a more gradual and natural pace. For some people, this might create less pressure and friction, possibly resulting in less pain and discomfort.

What are Damon system braces?

Damon system. The days of having braces tightened are over. Damon System braces have a unique slide mechanism that reduces pressure on your teeth and allows them to move more comfortably to their correct positions. This revolutionary new approach to orthodontics ensures greater comfort throughout treatment. Learn more about Damon System.

How do Damon braces work?

Elastic ligatures or o-rings are not required.

  • The Damon system uses small sliding doors to secure the tightening wires.
  • The small sliding doors used in the Damon system allow wires to move through the braces without rubbing; thus,making Damon brackets more comfortable than traditional braces.
  • What is Damon Bracket System?

    The Damon Bracket system is a revolutionary product that can reposition teeth faster and more comfortably than “traditional” bracket systems. More than 2 million patients have already experienced the Damon System.


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