Are Karen and Karenni the same language?

Are Karen and Karenni the same language?

The Karenni people are known as the “Red Karen” and live in a small, mountainous region to the north of Karen State and west of Thailand. There are over a dozen ethnic Karenni subgroups, but they all speak the same language (with only small variations in dialect). They speak Karenni language, also called Kayah Li.

What does Reh mean in Karenni?

Karenni: “Last” name Reh = male Karenni -> Bu Reh = male. “Last” name Meh = female Karenni -> Bu Meh = female.

What language is Karenni?

Red karen or Karenni (Burmese: ကယား, Kayah Li: ꤊꤢꤛꤢ꤭ ꤜꤟꤤ꤬, Kayah) known in Burmese as Kayah, is a Karen dialect continuum spoken by over half a million Kayah people (Red Karen) in Burma….Red Karen language.

Ethnicity Kayah
Native speakers 187,000 (2000–2007)
Language family Sino-Tibetan Karen languages Sgaw–Bghai Karenni

Who speaks Karen language?

Karen languages, languages spoken in lower Myanmar (Burma) and on the borders of Thailand. The Karen languages are usually divided into three groups: northern (including Taungthu), central (including Bwe and Geba), and southern (including Pwo and Sgaw); only Pwo and Sgaw of the southern group have written forms.

What’s the difference between Karen and Karenni?

Karen State and the Karenni state, known as Kayah State, are separate states within Burma, “almost like their own country,” Law said. The Karen language is completely different than the Karenni language, known as Kayah. These languages are for the most part mutually unintelligible.

Where is Karenni from?

The Karenni originate from Mongolia from where they arrived to Burma around 700 BC (Thein Lwin, 2011). Although all Karenni subgroups speak the same Karenni language, dialects vary from one group to another.

What does Reh mean?


Acronym Definition
REH Registered Executive Housekeeper (job title)
REH Réseau d’Evaluation des Habitats (French: Habitat Evaluation Network)
REH Random Evolutionary Hit
REH Regal Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (stock symbol)

How many tribes does Karen have?

Sub-Groups The Karen hill tribe in Thailand (sometimes referred to as the ‘Kariang/Gariang’ or ‘Kayin’) call themselves ‘Pakanyor’. There are 4 major types of Karen; the Sgaw (White Karen), Po (Red Karen), Pa-O and the Kayah. Each sub-group has their own distinct language, customs and costume.

What do language do Karen speak?

Shan. The Shan language is a native language of Myanmar that is spoken by the Shan people.

  • Karen Languages. The Karen languages are a group of tonal languages spoken by the Karen people of Myanmar.
  • Kachin. A significant number of people of the Kachin State of Burma speak the Kachin or Jingpho language,a member of the Sino-Tibetan language family.
  • Mon.
  • What is Karenni mean?

    plural Karenni or Karennis. 1 : one of several Karen peoples of eastern Burma the women of which elongate their necks by heavy coils of brass that thrust the head away from the body. 2 : a member of a Karenni people.

    Karen is a group of languages spoken by around 3 million people in Burma and Thailand. They are thought to be related to the Tibeto-Burman language family, though it is unclear exactly how.

    What ethnicity is Karen?

    Karen is the Danish form of Katherine.Karen is also the name of the an ethnic group that lives in Eastern Myanmar and Thailand. Karen is the Danish from of Katherine. Karen is also the name of the an ethnic group that lives in Eastern Myanmar and Thailand.


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