Are safety data sheets required?

Are safety data sheets required?

Safety data sheets are an essential component of product stewardship, occupational safety and health. However, they are not required for every product or material. OSHA only requires safety data sheets (SDSs) for hazardous products or chemicals.

Why will safety data sheets be easier to use than material safety data sheets?

SDS is a simpler and more effective way to communicate the hazards of the chemicals used. MSDS could be in different formats for the information, so nothing was regulated. By switching to SDS, it is now easier for employees to find the information they need for chemicals.

What is on the material safety data sheet?

The MSDS lists the hazardous ingredients of a product, its physical and chemical characteristics (e.g. flammability, explosive properties), its effect on human health, the chemicals with which it can adversely react, handling precautions, the types of measures that can be used to control exposure, emergency and first …

What is a safety data sheet?

(9) Safety data sheets may be kept in any form, including operating procedures, and may be designed to cover groups of hazardous chemicals in a work area where it may be more appropriate to address the hazards of a process rather than individual hazardous chemicals.

What is MSDS information and how do I find it?

MSDS information is provided for you to read about our essential and fragrance oils and determine the safe conditions for their use. The Data Sheets are in PDF format; a free Adobe Reader is available for download. Looking for the botanical name, country of origin, or flash point of a particular essential oil?

Is electronic access to safety data sheets permitted?

(Electronic access and other alternatives to maintaining paper copies of the safety data sheets are permitted as long as no barriers to immediate employee access in each workplace are created by such options.)


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