Are skinks protected in NZ?

Are skinks protected in NZ?

Legal Protection / Permits Under section 3 of the Act, all New Zealand lizards (geckos and skinks) are now ‘absolutely protected wildlife’, this means they must not be collected from the wild, handled or disturbed, or held in captivity without a permit from the Department of Conservation.

Are skinks endangered in NZ?

A secure population of one of New Zealand’s rarest skinks, the critically endangered Chesterfield skink has been established in captivity, with support from the Endangered Species Foundation (ESF) and Auckland Zoo. In 2017 the entire population was estimated to be fewer than 200 individuals.

Do skinks cause property damage?

Skinks don’t damage plants and also don’t pose a threat towards humans- unless you provoke them. For these reasons, many homeowners just ignore them and let them do their thing.

How do I get rid of skinks in NZ?


  1. Get rid of the lizard food source – Spray the interior and exterior with NO Bugs Super to reduce flies, moths, ants and other insects.
  2. Seal or remove hiding places – Lizards are small and can hide during the day in cracks and crevices around the building.

Are skinks lizards in New Zealand?

Skinks and geckos are the only 2 native families of lizard found in New Zealand (note that tuatara are not lizards). They are vertebrates and belong to the class Reptilia. All our native skink and gecko species are endemic.

How to find plague skinks in New Zealand?

Contact your local DoC office if you believe you have found plague skinks. New Zealand has about 60 species of lizards, the largest lizard species diversity in a temperate region. Now nearly all are threatened because of the reduction in habitat and the presence of predators such as cats, ferrets, stoats and weasels.

What is the rarest skink in New Zealand?

The chevron skink is one of New Zealand’s rarest and most secretive lizards. Cobble skinks were discovered in 2007 at a tiny beach near Westport. Common skinks are avid baskers, and abundant in coastal areas.

What is the rarest lizard in New Zealand?

Grand and Otago skinks. Grand and Otago skinks are two of New Zealand’s most impressive and distinctive lizards, and grow as long as 300 mm. Both species are unique to Otago,and are two of New Zealand’s rarest reptiles.


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