Are stretch marks on your bum bad?

Are stretch marks on your bum bad?

Stretch marks aren’t dangerous, and they often disappear over time. You can have stretch marks just about anywhere, but they’re most common on your stomach, breasts, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.

Do male stretch marks go away?

Stretch marks are a normal part of growing for many men and women. They can occur during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid muscle or weight gain. Stretch marks are not likely to go away on their own.

Do stretch marks matter to guys?

If that certain boy really likes you, your stretch marks won’t matter at all. About 80% of the American population has stretch marks, so you’re not alone. Also, having stretch marks doesn’t make you any less beautiful so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Are stretch marks a turn off?

Is it a major turn off? – Quora. Stretch marks are absolutely normal. It’s not something only people with fluctuating weight have.

Why are there purple lines on my bum?

The marks are a reddish purple, and quite noticeable. >> Stretch marks are very common as a result of growth spurts and often appear on the thighs, hips, breasts, buttocks, and abdomen of young women as a result of physical changes and rapid growth that take place during the puberty process.

Do guys love stretch marks?

What Men Love: Your Stretch Marks. “Stretch marks—especially on the hips… They’re very personal and few men get to see them.”

Do men get stretch marks?

Stretch marks can occur anywhere on the skin. In men, they’re more likely to occur in areas of weight gain or where muscle is put on quickly. For adolescent men, this is usually in the buttocks, calves, back, or thighs.

Why does my 14 year old have stretch marks?

Stretch Marks are a Normal Part of Puberty It is normal for teenagers to get some stretch marks. The marks occur when a person experiences a significant amount of growth or weight gain in a short period of time, such as during puberty. Getting stretch marks does not necessarily mean a person is overweight.

Where do stretch marks appear on men?

Stretch marks can occur anywhere on the skin. In men, they’re more likely to occur in areas of weight gain or where muscle is put on quickly. For adolescent men, this is usually in the buttocks, calves, back, or thighs. For adult males, this is usually the buttocks, according to a 2014 review. What are stretch marks?

When do stretch marks on the buttocks occur?

When do Stretch Marks on Buttocks Occur? Stretch marks on the buttocks on the buttocks occur when there is excessive skin stretching in the area like during pregnancy and extreme weight gain. You can also gain stretch marks on the buttocks area if there is an increased level of the steroid hormone cortisol detected in the body.

Why do I have stretch marks on my body?

The problem of lines can become exacerbated with major changes in weight. An example might be rapid weight loss. Users of anabolic steroids can also develop stretch marks because of fluctuating body mass changes. If your goal is to reduce the appearance of male stretch marks, I’ve listed 10 hacks below that are designed to address the problem.

How do you get rid of stretch marks on your butt?

Topical treatments to get rid of stretch marks on your butt. This is the most common method for treating stretch marks. Topicals include: Tretinoin cream. Some studies have found tretinoin cream improved the appearance of stretch marks. Trofolastin and alphastria creams. A 2016 review notes these creams can provide positive results.


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