Are there any memes about snow and work that Millennials can relate to?

Are there any memes about snow and work that Millennials can relate to?

Luckily, there are some memes about snow and work that every millennial can relate to. They’ll have you laughing through the pain of being in the office. Snow days make winter so much better.

Is there a snowboarding meme to sum up everything?

There’s a meme to sum up everything (and if by any chance there isn’t, you can always make a new one ). Snowboarding, of course, is not immune. Why make a reasoned Facebook argument about Shaun White’s latest comeback when can say it with a sarcastic screengrab from Game of Thrones?

What does Jon Snow’s face say about you?

Jon Snow’s face says it all in this meme. You are so sad to be going into work. It’s just not fair when everyone else has the day off, but you don’t. It seems like there’s snow way to turn this frown upside down, except with a relatable meme.

What are some of the best winter memes?

“Ever feel like you forgot to do something important?” “50 degrees in San Diego. 50 degrees in Wisconsin.” 25) Relatable winter memes. “Reasons girls like winter. I love the snow, it’s pretty. I don’t have to shave my legs!”

Why do students love snow days?

The majority of students love snow day because its an excuse not to go to school, you can always share the meme with them to mock them. Taking a snow day as an adult is not just the same as it was when I was a kid. This is one of the best memes to share with friends most especially students.

What happens in the morning of a snow day?

The range of emotions you have the morning of a snow day is vast. At first, you’re the happiest you’ve ever been, thinking about all the episodes of The Office you can watch. Then, you’re told you still have to go into work, and are filled with so much sadness. The mood of today will be unfair.


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