Are there hidden things in GTA 5?

Are there hidden things in GTA 5?

Grand Theft Auto V is filled with all kinds of amazing secrets. These are often well-hidden, but only the biggest fans of the series have found them. One of the most awesome things about the Grand Theft Auto games is just how massive the maps really are.

What is underwater in GTA?

Underwater Hatch. Located deep underwater off the east coast of San Andreas in GTA 5, players will find a small circular structure at the bottom of the ocean. From there, some players were able to decipher the code: “Hey, you never call me, would you like to play bowling?’

Where is the dead body in GTA 5?

You can find the dead body of a woman in the ocean near Fort Zancudo, just off the western coast. Use a scuba gear as it will be deep, but you can also a submarine. The vehicle will certainly allow you to travel underwater faster but do whichever tickles your fancy.

Where are all the hidden locations in GTA 5?

This list of GTA 5 hidden locations would have been totally lame without a secret mine on it. It’s located in the Great Chaparral section of the map, which, if you’ve played the game, you know to be mainly empty of any structures of civilization.

Which Grand Theft Auto game has the most secret places?

Of all the games in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA V is both the largest and the one with the most secrets. Players are always finding new things to do whether it is partaking in the many mini-games, side missions, and of course, all the secret places in GTA 5 offline.

Where are the secret weapons in Grand Theft Auto 5?

Updated on May 2, 2021 by Scoot Allan: Fans of both Grand Theft Auto V and the equally popular Grand Theft Auto Online have spent years searching the map of Los Santos for hidden secrets. These secrets often include secret weapons or vehicles, but there are quite a few hidden locations spread around Los Santos as well.

Where to find alien in Grand Theft Auto 5?

Frozen in the ice beneath the bridge, you will find the series’ signature alien trapped beneath the hardened surface of the water. GTA 5 gives a tip of the hat to the film No Country for Old Men in this hidden location at the base of Mount Chiliad.


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