At what stage in pregnancy does the Zika virus affect the baby?

At what stage in pregnancy does the Zika virus affect the baby?

Among women with confirmed Zika infection during the first trimester, 8 percent — nearly 1 in 12 — had a baby or fetus with Zika-related birth defects. For infections in the second trimester, 5 percent were affected, and in the third trimester, 4 percent, according to the CDC.

Does Zika always cause birth defects?

Recognizing that Zika is a cause of certain birth defects does not mean that every pregnant woman infected with Zika will have a baby with a birth defect. It means that infection with Zika during pregnancy increases the chances for these problems.

How common are birth defects from Zika?

Therefore, the emergence of Zika virus transmission in the US was cause for alarm especially because many cases are asymptomatic. The CDC’s initial analysis of 2016 data from 15 US states and territories documented a potential rate of 3 Zika-related birth defects per 1000 live births.

How many people died from Zika?

A total of 51 reported deaths associated with ZIKV infection in nine countries were identified. The majority of cases (56.9%) were not related to Guillain–Barré syndrome. Cases from three countries accounted for 67.6% of the deaths. ZIKV infection was laboratory-confirmed in the majority of cases (64.7%).

What happens if you get Zika virus during pregnancy?

Zika virus infection (Zika) during pregnancy can cause damage to the brain, microcephaly, and congenital Zika syndrome, a pattern of conditions in the baby that includes brain abnormalities, eye defects, hearing loss, and limb defects.

Can you have a baby with congenital Zika syndrome?

Congenital Zika Syndrome. Some infants with congenital Zika virus infection who do not have microcephaly at birth may later experience slowed head growth and develop postnatal microcephaly. Recognizing that Zika is a cause of certain birth defects does not mean that every pregnant woman infected with Zika will have a baby with a birth defect.

Do all babies born with Zika have microcephaly?

Not all babies born with congenital Zika infection will have all of these problems. Some infants with congenital Zika virus infection who do not have microcephaly at birth may later experience slowed head growth and develop postnatal microcephaly.

What are the effects of Zika virus on human body?

Zika infection during pregnancy can cause a birth defect called microcephaly, as well as other severe fetal brain defects. Guillain-Barré Syndrome. CDC is investigating the link between Zika virus infection and GBS, an uncommon sickness of the nervous system.


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