Can a blocked bile duct be fixed?

Can a blocked bile duct be fixed?

The goal of treatment is to relieve the blockage. Stones may be removed using an endoscope during an ERCP. In some cases, surgery is required to bypass the blockage. The gallbladder will usually be surgically removed if the blockage is caused by gallstones.

How do you treat inflammation of the bile duct?

Autoimmune diseases like primary sclerosing cholangitis can cause inflammation of the bile ducts. In most cases, hospitalization and treatment with antibiotics and an endoscopic procedure are necessary.

What happens if your bile duct is blocked?

If something is blocking the bile duct, bile can back up into the liver. This can cause jaundice, a condition in which the skin and white of the eyes become yellow. The bile duct might become infected and require emergency surgery if the stone or blockage is not removed.

Can CT scan see bile ducts?

CT scans can show the organs near the bile duct (especially the liver), as well as lymph nodes and distant organs where cancer might have spread to. A type of CT known as CT angiography can be used to look at the blood vessels around the bile ducts.

What are the treatment options for biliary duct obstructions?

An ERCP may be sufficient to remove small stones from the common bile duct or to place a stent inside the duct to restore bile flow. This is often used in cases where obstruction is caused by a tumor. Without treatment, biliary duct obstructions can be life-threatening. Possible complications that can arise without treatment include:

What are the causes of biliary obstruction?

What Causes a Biliary Obstruction? 1 Cancer. Many types of cancer can cause bile duct obstructions. 2 Bile Duct Injuries. If you have suffered a bile duct injury, often caused during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, it is not atypical to have a narrowing of the bile duct immediately 3 Gallstones and Biliary Stones.

Why choose Fraiman for biliary obstruction surgery?

Having years of experience in the field of liver, pancreas, and gallbladder disease, and having performed numerous bile duct surgeries, Dr. Fraiman can detect a biliary obstruction right away and get you started on the right treatment path.

What happens if the bile duct is blocked?

The cause of the obstruction will determine what kind of surgery or procedure is necessary. Left untreated, a bile duct obstruction can cause life-threatening complications. This includes infection, sepsis, and liver damage. Call your doctor right away if you notice symptoms of jaundice, such as yellow skin or eyes, dark urine, or pale stools.


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