Can a foreigner start a business in France?
Can a foreigner start a business in France?
Nationals from the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland, graduates of the French higher education system, can freely start a company in France. Nationals of other countries must have an Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour (APS – temporary residency permit), to be able to create a company in France.
How do you become a micro entrepreneur in France?
The process of registering as a micro-entreprise business is a self-declaration process that can be done very easily online via the site A scanned copy of an approved piece of ID (carte de séjour or passport) must be uploaded at the end of the process.
How do I register a startup in France?
All businesses must register before they can operate. You have to do this through the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises or CFE) or online at There are different CFE for each type of business activity and you need to make your application through the appropriate CFE.
Can an American own a business in France?
Anyone can set up a business in France. You do NOT need to be a resident or be an EU citizen to become a French business owner. It can help, but if you live and work outside the EU, you can still open a company in France by simply registering a business address in France.
What is France micro-entrepreneur?
Since 2009, a simple business status has been available to someone who wishes to establish a small business in France. The status was originally called auto-entrepreneur, but it is now called micro-entrepreneur. Those adopting this status run the business as a micro-entreprise.
Is France a good place to start a business?
France is one of the most powerful economies in the world and it’s only getting stronger. It provides generous tax incentives for new companies and financial help to startups, making it an attractive place to start and run a business. So, starting a business in the jewel of Europe is a no-brainer.
How do I register a brand in France?
Anyone can register a trademark. It can be a natural person, a legal person, a French citizen or a foreign person. To file a trademark with a national reputation, you must contact the Institut National de la Propriété Intellectuelle (INPI), which has its headquarters in Paris.
Does buying a house in France qualify you for a residency visa?
Although foreign buyers have no restrictions on buying a property in France, if you are not an EU citizen, then you will have to apply for a visa/residency if you intend to stay in your property for more than 90 days.
Comment exercer en tant qu’entrepreneur étranger en France?
En effet, exercer en tant qu’auto-entrepreneur étranger en France est considéré comme une activité professionnelle « non-salariée ». Les titres de séjours valables peuvent être une carte de résident ou une carte de séjour temporaire.
Quel est le statut de micro-entrepreneur?
Que vous soyez retraité, fonctionnaire ou salarié, il est possible de devenir auto-entrepreneur facilement et de bénéficier des nombreux avantages du statut de micro-entrepreneur : régime micro-social simplifié, régime micro-fiscal simplifié, franchise de TVA, etc. Qu’en est-il des étrangers, et plus particulièrement des étudiants étrangers?
Comment devenir micro-entrepreneur en France?
Un étudiant qui fait ses études en France, mais possède la nationalité de l’un des vingt-huit pays de l’UE peut tout à fait devenir micro-entrepreneur. La seule condition est la domiciliation de sa micro-entreprise en France.
Est-ce que les préfectures acceptent le statut des étudiants étrangers?
C’est parfaitement le cas. Les préfectures acceptent depuis quelques temps le changement de statut des étudiants étrangers, désirant devenir auto-entrepreneur.