Can a gifted child have speech delay?

Can a gifted child have speech delay?

Occasionally the speech of highly gifted children may be delayed, as in the case of the two brothers in Gross’s study who did not speak until 18 months and 21 months respectively and whose mother was warned by their pediatrician that this might be indicative of intellectual disability.

Does delayed echolalia go away?

The good news is that echolalia is in fact a beneficial sign that children with autism can ultimately be able to be taught how to use language to communicate. With autistic children, echolalia appears with more frequency and typically lasts for a longer period of time versus children with standard developing language.

What is the difference between immediate and delayed echolalia?

Immediate echolalia refers to utterances that are repeated immediately or after a brief delay. Delayed echolalia refers to utterances that are repeated after a significant delay (Prizant & Rydell, 1984).

What is the difference between scripting and delayed echolalia?

This type of echolalia occurs at a later time and may be produced without communicative intent. Delayed echolalia will often be described as ‘scripting’. This may present as words or statements provided by the child’s communicative partners or scripted from favorite TV show.

Does speech delay affect intelligence?

Those in every language-delay group had significantly lower mean IQs and lower mean reading scores than the remainder of the sample. They also more often had a low IQ or a lower reading score at ages seven and nine and a lower Verbal and Full-scale IQ at 11.

How do you reduce delayed echolalia?


  1. Avoid responding with sentences that will result in echolalia.
  2. Use a carrier phrase softly spoken while modeling the correct response: “You say, (quietly spoken), ‘ want car.
  3. Teach “I don’t know” to sets of questions the child does not know the answers to.

Can a child grow out of echolalia?

Echolalia is a normal stage of language development in early childhood, and children typically outgrow it around their third birthday.

How do you break an echolalia?

Medication. A doctor can prescribe antidepressants or anxiety medications to combat the side effects of echolalia. This doesn’t treat the condition itself, but it helps keep the person with echolalia calm.

Can a child outgrow echolalia?

How do you treat delayed echolalia?

Was Einstein a late talker?

Einstein, a certified genius, was also a late talker (according to some biographers). He didn’t speak full sentences until he was 5 years old. Einstein’s speech delay clearly wasn’t an impediment to his intellectual prowess and awe-inspiring accomplishments.

How do gifted and talented children behave?

Sometimes gifted and talented children get along well with others. Other times, they might not fit in with children their own age. When gifted and talented children behave in challenging ways, they might be questioning rules, feel frustrated, or lack learning opportunities.

What is the difference between gifted and exceptional students?

Gifted and talented students are often the envy of their peers and naturally succeed in an academic setting. However, these gifts are not without their pitfalls. Exceptional students need emotional and social support to make sure they take care of themselves as well as reach their maximum potential.

Do gifted students have problems with organizational skills?

Organization skills can also be a problem with gifted students as many are abstract thinkers. While it is more common for male students to become distracted and disorganized, this is an issue that afflicts everyone. It is easy to become overwhelmed for abstract thinkers, as it can make it difficult to break down large projects into easy pieces.

Are gifted students under pressure in middle and high school?

Middle and high school are difficult transitions for any student, but the pressure can be worse on exceptional students. Many children with average academic capabilities see their gifted peers as “show-offs,” and try to distance themselves.


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