Can female peacock cichlids have egg spots?

Can female peacock cichlids have egg spots?

The male will have bright egg spots on his anal fin, whilst a small percentage of females will also have egg spots. African Peacocks are very popular aquarium fish, because of their lively behaviour, bright colours, shapes, size and intelligence.

How long is fish pregnancy?

As examples, the female swordtail and guppy will both give birth to anywhere from 20 to 100 live young after a gestation period of four to six weeks, and mollies will produce a brood of 20 to 60 live young after a gestation of six to 10 weeks.

How do I know if my fish is pregnant?

As your female fish becomes pregnant, she will grow a bulge at the back of her abdomen. This typically appears over the course of 20-40 days. Does your fish have a red or black spot? Sometimes, when a female fish is pregnant, she will develop a “gravid spot” on the abdomen.

Do haplochromine cichlids have egg-spots?

The egg-spots of haplochromine cichlids as exemplified in Astatotilapia burtoni. (A) A male of A. burtoni showing egg-spots on its anal fin. (B) Natural variation of egg-spots in A. burtoni. All these fish were caught and photographed at the south-eastern part of Lake Tanganyika in Zambia.

What is the function of egg-spots in fish?

It has long been assumed that these yellow, orange or reddish egg-spots play an important role in the courtship and spawning behavior of these maternal mouth-brooding fishes by mimicking the eggs of a conspecific female. The exact function of egg-spots remains unknown, however, and there are several hypotheses about their mode of action.

Do egg-spots play a role in the mating behaviour of haplochromines?

The function of egg-spots has been implicated with the mating behaviour of the female-mouthbrooding haplochromines 12, 13.

Do egg-spot bearing haplochromines show specific enhancer activities in iridophores?

Using transgenic zebrafish, we finally demonstrate that this region shows specific enhancer activities in iridophores, a type of pigment cells found in egg-spots, suggesting that a cis -regulatory change is causally linked to the gain of expression in egg-spot bearing haplochromines.


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