Can foreigner donate blood in Thailand?

Can foreigner donate blood in Thailand?

The first-time donors must not be older than 55 years old. Besides that, anyone who wants to donate blood in Thailand must weigh at least 45 kilograms, and any foreigner wanting to donate blood here must have been living in the Kingdom for at least the past six months before they can donate blood.

Can I donate blood if I have been overseas?

Most international travel will not interfere with blood donation. However, there are a few limitations related to outbreaks of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and mad cow disease. For example, if you lived for more than five years on the European continent between 1980 and the present, you cannot donate blood.

Who Cannot donate blood in Thailand?

12) Donors must not have asthma, any skin infections, tuberculosis (TB) or any allergies. 13) Donors must not have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, lung disease, cancer, thyroid problems, haemophilia or other diseases or medical conditions.

Can I donate blood in Thailand?

you can only donate blood twice a year, or every six months. must have CBC checked every time before donating blood. must have BC, SF, and EKG checked once a year before donating blood. must have medical certificate by your doctor or a doctor from the blood donation centre approving you to donate blood.

Where can I donate blood in Bangkok?

Contact Information for Blood Donation:

Red Cross National Blood Center
Telephone Number 0-2252-4106-9
Email [email protected]
Address 1871 Henry Dunant Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330

What do you donate blood for?

Donated blood helps people who have lost blood in an accident or who have an illness such as cancer, anemia, sickle cell disease, or hemophilia. Donated blood includes red blood cells and the other things that make up the blood, such as platelets and plasma. Blood that contains all the parts is called whole blood.

Is it safe to donate blood before flying?

Healthy individuals donating one unit of blood should be able to resume flying within 1 day since the fluid depleted is replaced within several hours. Any effects from the loss of hemoglobin should not be significant for normal flying operations.

Why we should donate blood?

Donating blood regularly is beneficial to prevent and reduce heart attacks and liver ailment. The risk of heart and liver related problem is caused by the iron overload in the body. Donating blood helps in maintaining the iron level in the body and thus reduce those risk. Cancer is the most feared and deadly disease.

Do they screen your blood when you donate?

If the donor is eligible to donate, the donated blood is tested for blood type (ABO group) and Rh type (positive or negative). All blood for transfusion is tested for evidence of certain infectious disease pathogens, such as hepatitis B and C viruses and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

At what age do you stop giving blood?

In general, as long as you are fit and healthy, weigh over 7 stone 12 lbs (50kg) and are aged between 17 and 66 (up to 70 if you have given blood before) you should be able to give blood. If you are over 70, you need to have given blood in the last two years to continue donating.

What countries can you not give blood after visiting?

Wait for 3 months after receiving a blood transfusion from another person in the United States. You may not donate if you received a blood transfusion since 1980 in France, Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Gibraltar or Falkland Islands.

How much donated blood is wasted?

More than 200 000 units of whole blood had to be thrown away after Americans donated 500 000 extra units in September and October. Donated blood is discarded if it remains unused after 42 days.

When can I donate blood after travel to Finland?

The same health security principles related to the coronavirus epidemic that apply to crossing the border into Finland will also apply to blood donation after travel. a 28-day deferral period after 23.8.2021 due to the West-Nile Virus season: City of Vienna and areas east from Vienna.

How do I donate blood if I am traveling?

Go to the blood donation center with your travel details, such as where you traveled to, which dates you traveled, and your transportation particulars. Depending on which organization you want to donate blood to, there will likely be a travel form you can fill out before you arrive,…

How long do you have to wait between blood donations?

Wait at least 8 weeks between whole blood (standard) donations. Wait at least 7 days between platelet (pheresis) donations. Wait at least 16 weeks between Power Red (automated) donations.

What are the risks of donating blood outside of the UK?

Some of these infections may cause very little symptoms, if any, but they may cause a risk for the recipient of the donated blood product. Visiting a country outside the EU/EFTA region and the UK always causes a temporary deferral from blood donation for at least 28 days due to varying epidemic threats over the world.


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