Can Green spotted puffers live in saltwater?

Can Green spotted puffers live in saltwater?

GSP will thrive in saltwater and will pretty much survive in fresh. Brackish conditions are the norm.

How big of a tank does a green spotted puffer need?

Although they only grow to around six inches in length as adults, the minimum tank size for a single puffer is 30 gallons. However, 55 gallons is preferred and will allow your fish optimal room for swimming and exploring. Green spotted puffers kept in aquariums require brackish water through most of their lives.

Can Green spotted puffers live with clownfish?

would be OK probably, but most of the others would be far too big. I did have a green spotted puffer and it would fit fine, but you have to acclimate them to saltwater over a matter of months. They also can be quite aggressive, though mine was the live-and-let-live type.

Can you touch a green spotted puffer fish?

I pet my puffers and have handled them without gloves before (to trim their teeth). I think you have to eat them to get the poison. I pet my puffers and have handled them without gloves before (to trim their teeth). unless you have a cut, its highly unlikely.

Are Green spotted puffers reef safe?

Although technically speaking not reef safe it can be done if the population of coral is huge and the puffer is fed well enough to leave them alone.

How long does it take for a green spotted puffer to reach full size?

Re: How long do GSPs take to mature? To get to and above 6″ (full size ~6 1/2 “), at least 2+ – 3 years, maybe longer. But to reach maturity, only about a year and half, maybe less.

Are saltwater puffers aggressive?

Dogface Puffers are not an aggressive species and are suitable for most community fish aquariums. While this species is not aggressive towards other fish species, it is destructive towards corals and crabs, snails etc. Overall a very fun community species with a very interactive personality.

Can puffer fish tank with clown fish?

Re: Porcupine Puffer with clownfish As long as the clowns aren’t too tiny they will be able to hold their own. Just make small crevices in the rocks that they can retreat to if need be that the puffer will not be able to fit it.

Are Green spotted puffers toxic?

The green spotted pufferfish is a member of the Tetraodontidae family of fish, famous for their natural defense mechanism of inflating their stomachs when threatened to appear larger. Many species of pufferfish, including the green spotted puffer, are toxic to most predators, including humans.

Can you keep a puffer fish in a reef tank?

As you may have guessed, puffers can make short order of many reef aquarium inhabitants. Most pufferfish are therefore best suited for fish-only tanks. However, there are some smaller puffers, sometimes called “Tobies,” that have the potential to live peacefully within a reef tank.

What size tank does a green spotted puffer fish need?

Such a cavalier attitude towards its care, usually seen in first-time puffer pets, often leads to death. Green spotted puffer tank size: The tank must hold at least 30 gallons of water. Ideally, a 55-gallon tank should be preferred. A younger fish, however, can do with a smaller tank for a while.

What is a green spotted puffer (GSP)?

The Green Spotted Puffer is a highly unique and interesting fish. Unfortunately the Green Spotted Puffer (GSP) is often misunderstood. Commonly sold as a freshwater fish, the GSP will only do well without marine salt in its water for a very short time.

Where do spotted puffer fish live?

The Spotted Puffer Fish is indigenous to the tropical East and South-East Asia. They live in fresh and brackish waters, residing in rivers, flooded plains, and mangroves aplenty. If you spread out a map and locate the Philippines and Indo-China, that is where you’ll find them.

Can puffer fish live with other fish in a tank?

Some puffer owners keep a pair of puffers in a tank 55-gallons or larger, and some owners even have success keeping their puffer with other fish species that tolerate brackish water. However, the potential for conflict always exists whenever your puffer is housed with other fish, and the risk hardly seems worth it.


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