Can having the flu affect early pregnancy?

Can having the flu affect early pregnancy?

Maternal Cold or Flu with Fever During Pregnancy May Be Linked to Birth Defects. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that women who had a cold or flu with fever just before or during early pregnancy may be more likely to have a baby born with a birth defect.

What are the flu-like symptoms in early pregnancy?

Flu-like symptoms during pregnancy: What to expect They often include fever, achiness, fatigue, and headache, along with a runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, and chills. You may begin vomiting or have diarrhea, as well.

Can my 2 month old get the flu?

Yes. Babies and children younger than 5 years old—and especially those younger than 2 years old– are more likely than older children to have complications from the flu. Premature babies also are at increased risk of serious complications from flu.

Can the flu cause a miscarriage?

Does having the flu increase the chance of miscarriage? Miscarriage can occur in any pregnancy. Some studies suggest a higher chance for pregnancy loss while other studies do not. Based on the available data, it is not known if the flu will increase the chance for miscarriage.

Why is flu bad for pregnancy?

One of the most common complications of flu is bronchitis, a chest infection that can become serious and develop into pneumonia. If you have flu while you’re pregnant, it could cause your baby to be born prematurely or have a low birthweight, and may even lead to stillbirth or death.

Can newborns get Covid?

Newborns can become infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 during childbirth or by exposure to sick caregivers after delivery.

What can I give my 2 month old for the flu?

If your baby is at least 2 weeks old, your pediatrician may prescribe the antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu) to prevent or treat the flu. It works best when they take it in the first day or two after they get sick.

Apakah batuk bayi bisa terjadi 2 bulan?

Bayi itu sendiri bisa mengalami batuk dikarenakan banyak hal, mulai dari infeksi virus flu (biasanya disertai pilek), atau infeksi saluran pernafasan lainnya. Untuk itu tentunya banyak orang tua yang bertanya mengenai obat batuk bayi 2 bulan yang cocok untuk kondisi buah hatinya. Namun, berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan.

Apakah bayi mengalami pilek pada bayi?

Pilek pada bayi ditandai dengan keluarnya ingus atau cairan jernih dari hidung, yang dapat berubah menjadi kekuningan atau kehijauan setelah satu minggu. Selain itu, bayi juga mungkin bisa mengalami batuk, mata merah, atau sedikit demam. Umumnya bayi masih mau makan atau bermain secara normal.

Apakah batuk alergi pada bayi 2 bulan?

Beberapa kasus pada bayi 2 bulan adalah batuk yang dikarenakan gejala alergi. Batuk alergi pada bayi tentunya bisa disembuhkan apabila paparan alergen pada bayi hilang. Selain itu, obat antihistamin bisa menjadi alternatif pengobatan yang bisa dilakukan.

Apakah bayi yang berusia 4 bulan tidak mengalami batuk?

Umumnya, bayi yang berusia di bawah 4 bulan tidak mengalami batuk. Maka, jika Si Kecil berada di rentang usia tersebut dan mengalami batuk, sebaiknya Parents membawanya ke dokter spesialis anak untuk melakukan pemeriksaan. Nah, itulah beberapa cara alami mengatasi batuk dan pilek pada bayi yang bisa Parents lakukan di rumah.


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