Can I contact Baba Ramdev?

Can I contact Baba Ramdev?

Simply call Baba Ramdev’s office at 91-1334-240008. Ask to speak to him, or leave a message if he’s unavailable. Reach out to Baba Ramdev on social media if you have an account. You can follow Baba Ramdev, comment on his posts, or send him messages through the platform of social media.

Does Patanjali pay taxes?

The exemption for Patanjali has been provided under Section 35 of the Income Tax Act that permits deduction of expenditure “an amount equal to one-and-one- half times of any sum paid to a research association which has as its object the undertaking of scientific research or to a university, college or other institution …

Who is the founder of Kripalu Bagh Ashram?

Swami Kripaludevji Maharaj established Kripalu Bagh Ashram, in the year 1932. Baba Ramdev is the disciple of his successor, Swami Shankardevji Maharaj. Baba Ram Dev mainly teaches yoga at the Kripalu Bagh Ashram, situated in the holy city of Haridwar.

What kind of yoga does Baba Ram Dev teach?

Baba Ramdev is the disciple of his successor, Swami Shankardevji Maharaj. Baba Ram Dev mainly teaches yoga at the Kripalu Bagh Ashram, situated in the holy city of Haridwar. Followers of Swami Ramdevji, visit Kripalu Bagh Ashram in large numbers to learn yoga from him. Baba Ramdev teaches pranayama, a form of yoga, to his followers.

How did Ramdev become Swami Ramdev?

Soon, he lost interest in the worldly desires, renounced the world and entered into Sanyas (monastic living). At that point of time, he assumed the name Swami Ramdev. It is believed that he traveled the Himalayas for several years before he settled in Haridwar.

Where can I learn yoga from Swami Ramdev?

Followers of Swami Ramdevji, visit Kripalu Bagh Ashram in large numbers to learn yoga from him. Baba Ramdev teaches pranayama, a form of yoga, to his followers. The program that he teaches consists of the following six key breathing exercises in a sequence…


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