Can I smoke in my apartment Ottawa?

Can I smoke in my apartment Ottawa?

Landlords have the right to include a no-smoking clause in all new and renewing tenancy agreements to ban smoking in individual units, outdoor balconies and patios or any area of the residential property.

How far do you have to be away from a building to smoke in Ontario?

nine metres
Building owners/operators are required to: Ensure no one is smoking within nine metres of building entrances or exits.

Where can you smoke cigarettes in Ottawa?

No employer, proprietor, or other person in charge of an enclosed public place, enclosed workplace, outdoor restaurant or bar patio, a ByWard Market stand, or a Parkdale Market stand, shall permit smoking or vaping in the enclosed public place, enclosed workplace, outdoor restaurant or bar patio, or stand.

Can you smoke on balcony Ottawa?

The City of Ottawa’s public health agency is recommending banning the smoking and vaping of cannabis inside all condos and apartments, and even on outdoor balconies.

Can you smoke in your apartment in Ontario?

Smoking and vaping is not permitted in the indoor common areas of condominiums, apartment buildings, and college and university residences. This includes elevators, stairwells, hallways, parking garages, laundry facilities, lobbies, exercise areas and party or entertainment rooms.

Can you smoke in your own apartment in Ontario?

Yes. It is legal in Ontario for a landlord to ban smoking in private units. Just as smokers step outside public places and workplaces for a cigarette, so too would they for a no-smoking residential building. Smokers can live in smoke-free multi-unit dwellings as long as they follow the rules like everyone else.

How far away should a smoking area be?

How far do you have to be from a building to smoke in California? The law in California prohibits smoking within 20 feet of any public building.

How many feet away from a building can you smoke?

Where can I find by-laws for smoking in Ottawa?

Actual by-laws can be obtained at the following locations: A by-law of the City of Ottawa prohibiting the smoking and vaping of tobacco, cannabis, and any other substance in public places and workplaces.

How do I report a violation of Ottawa’s smoke free bylaws?

Ottawa’s health care community, the hospitality industry, the general public, and Ottawa City Council united to create a smoke-free city. Report Violations – Call 311 any time to report any violation of the smoke-free bylaws.

What is Ottawa’s smoke-free public places policy?

We support the City of Ottawa’s Smoke-Free Public Places and Workplaces Bylaws, which came into effect on August 1, 2001. Smoking is prohibited in all restaurants, bars, pubs, bingo halls, bowling alleys, billiard halls, common areas of residential condominiums or multiple-dwelling apartment buildings, taxis, limousines, and traditional workplaces.

What is the advocacy campaign for smoke-free Ottawa?

The Advocacy Campaign for Smoke-Free Ottawa (September 2002): A report by the Ottawa Council on Smoking and Health, detailing the successful campaign for a bylaw banning smoking in all public places and workplaces. News Release (April 24, 2003): 181 new/expanded bars and restaurants since Smoke-free Bylaws: City Report


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