Can I wear deodorant before LASIK?

Can I wear deodorant before LASIK?

1) Do NOT wear any makeup, scented moisturizers and make sure you wash your face thoroughly. 2) Do NOT wear any cologne or perfume. 3) Do NOT use any aerosol products including deodorant or hair spray 4) Do NOT wear any jewelry from the neck up (earrings, necklaces and removable jewelry).

Can you eat and drink before LASIK?

Eat a Little Food Unlike most surgeries, you can eat before LASIK. You don’t want to get overly full, but eating a light snack will ensure that you are comfortable during the procedure. Eat something healthy that will hold you over during the procedure.

Can I drink coffee before LASIK?

Prior to your surgery, Dr. Boozalis recommends that you avoid caffeine for a few hours. It is a good idea to consume several glasses of water or other non-alcoholic, caffeine-free fluids per day as you prepare for LASIK, beginning several days before the procedure.

Can I wash my face before LASIK?

You should take a shower and make sure your face is clean of any contaminants the morning of LASIK. Make sure to skip any perfumes as well. Don’t put on any hand or face lotions, as this can make your skin greasy.

Should I take Ibuprofen before LASIK?

*You may take over-the – counter medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Avoid antihistamines such as Benadryl, Allegra, and Claritin as these will dry your eyes.

How long after LASIK should I wear sunglasses?

Your eyes are especially sensitive for the first week after you have LASIK. Plan to wear sunglasses for at least the first week after your LASIK procedure. Also, even post-LASIK surgery, you should continue wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays.

Why can you not wear contacts before LASIK?

Prior to a LASIK consultation and surgery, it is vital that contact lenses not be worn for a certain period of time. This is because contact lenses can alter the shape of the cornea.

Can I drink coffee after eye laser surgery?

To prevent dehydration, do not consume alcohol, caffeine or chocolate and drink plenty of water the entire day.

What happens if I wear contacts before LASIK?

Contact lenses cause corneal swelling that could affect the accuracy of important measurements of your eyes prior to surgery. Contact lenses can cause dry eyes. Dry eyes can affect healing after surgery.

Can I sleep on my side after LASIK?

At bedtime, wear your eye shield for at least one week if you sleep on your back or side, and two weeks if you sleep on your stomach. This will prevent you from rubbing your eyes during asleep. In terms of activity, light exercise is permissible, but excessive workouts should be avoided for at least five days.

When can I watch TV after LASIK?

Since your eyes are still healing, they will be especially sensitive in the first 24 hours after the LASIK procedure. Because of this, it’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours before watching TV.

What to do before LASIK?

Stop wearing soft contacts around two weeks before surgery. This is a recommendation that most doctors have.

  • About three to four weeks before surgery,you should stop wearing gas permeable lenses. This type of lens can cause significant changes to your cornea.
  • For adults that work,make sure to request time off to recover.
  • What to expect after LASIK?

    LASIK Recovery: The First 24 Hours. After the topical anesthesia wears off,you will likely have some discomfort after surgery.

  • First Month. Your doctor will want to see you a day or two after your surgery to test your vision and examine your eyes to make sure your LASIK recovery
  • Three-Six Months.
  • What are pre op instructions?

    Pre-Op Instructions. Avoid tobacco, gum, mints, or candy of any kind the morning of your surgery. Prior to surgery, shower/bathe, brush your teeth and gargle as usual, but do not swallow any water. Remove any wig or hairpiece, contact lenses, body jewelry, hairpins, etc. If you wear glasses, bring your glasses and eyeglass case with you.

    How to prepare for your LASIK treatment?

    Drink more water before your procedure. Before any procedure,it’s important to drink more water unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

  • Stop wearing your contact lenses when your eye doctor tells you to.
  • Plan a comfortable outfit in advance.
  • Find someone who can drive you to the surgery center.
  • Read through your paperwork.
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