Can P waves travel through the mantle?

Can P waves travel through the mantle?

4. Figure 19.2a: P-waves generally bend outward as they travel through the mantle due to the increased density of mantle rocks with depth. When P-waves strike the outer core, however, they bend downward when traveling through the outer core and bend again when they leave.

How do P waves travel through the layers of the earth?

In a P wave, the rock particles are alternately squished together and pulled apart (called compressions and dilatations), so P waves are also called compressional waves. These waves can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. P waves can travel through the liquid outer core. An S wave is a different beast.

Can P waves move through all layers of the earth?

The P wave can move through solid rock and fluids, like water or the liquid layers of the earth.

What is the approximate P wave velocity through the Earth’s mantle?

The P–wave velocity increases smoothly beneath 700 km through the lower mantle to ∼ 13.6 km/s at the core–mantle boundary. Just above this boundary there appears to be a layer in which the velocity flattens out or may even decrease slightly.

Do P waves travel through the crust?

They also study how a quake’s energy spreads through Earth’s crust, as well as the deeper layers of our planet. The fastest seismic waves are known as P waves. P waves travel through rock the same way that sound waves do through air.

Which type of wave can penetrate the mantle?

The speed of P waves and S waves increases as they travel deeper into the Earth’s mantle . They travel through the Earth in curved paths, but they change direction suddenly when they pass through the boundary between substances in different states.

Do P waves travel through liquid?

P and S waves travel through the planet Earth after an earthquake. Scientists studying the waves produced by earthquakes learned that Earth’s core has separate liquid and solid layers. S waves do not travel through liquid, but P waves do.

What waves travel through the Earth’s surface?

Seismic waves fall into two general categories: body waves (P-waves and S-waves), which travel through the interior of the earth, and surface waves, which travel only at the earth’s surface.

Why can P waves pass through the deepest part of the Earth?

P-waves travel through liquids and gases as well as through solids. Because the earth’s mantle becomes more rigid and compressible as the depth below the asthenosphere increases, P-waves travel faster as they go deeper in the mantle. The density of the mantle also increases with depth below the asthenosphere.

How do P waves travel?

P waves travel through rock the same way that sound waves do through air. That is, they move as pressure waves. When a pressure wave passes a certain point, the material it is passing through moves forward, then back, along the same path that the wave is traveling. P waves can travel through solids, liquids and gases.

Do P waves travel faster through liquid?

There are two types of body waves: P-waves travel fastest and through solids, liquids, and gases; S-waves only travel through solids. Surface waves are the slowest, but they do the most damage in an earthquake.

Do P waves travel faster through denser material?

The first is that P waves travel faster than S waves. This is the reason they are referred to as primary waves, as they are the first seismic waves to arrive at a seismic station. More importantly for our purposes, P waves travel faster through denser rock, slower through less dense rock.


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