Can reflexology be done during pregnancy?

Can reflexology be done during pregnancy?

Reflexology can be used safely throughout pregnancy; Reflexologists will take a full history to ensure that it’s safe and appropriate to carry out a treatment. The first trimester is a time when there are huge changes in hormone levels as well as anxieties and concerns about the changes that are going to happen.

When should I start reflexology in pregnancy?

Most therapists will not practice on mums-to-be in the first trimester of their pregnancy. As this is the time when the risk of miscarriage is highest, most natural therapists prefer to wait until the pregnancy is settled into the safer zones from the second trimester onwards.

What techniques are used in reflexology?


  • Thumb Walking – Using only the top section of your thumb from the joint to the tip, inch your finger along the foot or hand, pressing into the foot then rocking your thumb back a little bit, inching it forward.
  • Rotation on a Point – Great to use along the diaphragm line, just under the metatarsals heads.

What pressure points should you avoid when pregnant?

Answer: Every woman is different, and so is how their body reacts to massage during pregnancy. If your body is particularly sensitive and can be easily stimulated, you should avoid massaging pressure points like 3 fingers above your ankles and the area between your thumb and forefinger.

Where can I not massage my feet during pregnancy?

According to Ebbin, there are two areas that you should definitely avoid during pregnancy: the reflexology areas directly connected to the uterus and ovaries, which are located on the inside and outside of both ankles in the hollow areas just under the ankle bones.

What does pregnancy Reflexology do?

During pregnancy Reflexology is very relaxing and can help with stress related symptoms. Most women sleep well following a treatment and many report a sense of wellbeing. Although relaxing many women report feeling energised. Other benefits include help with headaches, constipation, backache and symphasis pubis pain.

What parts of the body should not be massaged during pregnancy?

Experts stay safe by avoiding pressure points associated with the pelvis, wrists, hands, and ankles. Due to the risk of blood clots during pregnancy it is also important to avoid deep tissue massage in the legs.

What part of the foot should not be massaged during pregnancy?

In short: Avoid the corners of your pinky toes and hollows on the inside and outside areas just below your ankle bones. Also, find a comfortable position to recline during the massage, but avoid lying flat on your back.

Can reflexology bring on Labour?

The idea behind Reflexology is that the feet mirror the body and so by pressing points on the feet this will in turn stimulate different parts of the body. After 38 weeks, we can use Reflexology techniques to stimulate the uterus and ovary reflexes as well the production of Oxytocin to help bring on labour naturally.

What is reflexology for babies?

Reflexology is performed to stimulate all the systems focussing on the pancreas and sciatic areas and including the sacro-iliac areas around the ankle. Lymphatic drainage of the foot should also be performed. Baby starts to yawn. Reflexology is concentrated on the pelvic, thoracic and abdominal lymphatics.

Is it safe to practice twisting postures during pregnancy?

During pregnancy it’s safe to practise twisting postures without compression . This means that strong, closed twists such as Ardha Matsayandrasana (Lord of the Fishes Pose) or Marichyasana III (Marichi-Sage twist) (illustrations below) are contraindicated.

What is lightlight reflexology and how is it used during pregnancy?

Light Reflexology is recommended to boost energy levels and overcome tiredness. Baby is now the size of a mans fist. The brain is fully formed and the baby can now feel pain. Thumb sucking can now be observed. Eyelids remain shut over the eye. Usually an ultrasound scan is performed in week 12. Reflexology treatment is similar to week 10.

Can reflexology help with breech presentation?

Lymphatic drainage is performed to keep ankle swelling at bay. Should there be a breech presentation, it is advisable to attempt turning the baby before week 36. I recommend weekly treatments from week 36. Reflexology should focus on the pituitary gland, the pelvic lymphatics, the uterus, kidneys and adrenal glands.


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