Can thoracic scoliosis cause neck pain?

Can thoracic scoliosis cause neck pain?

Scoliosis, as an abnormal sideways spinal curvature, can develop anywhere along the spine from the neck to the lower back. As scoliosis is known to cause spinal rigidity, if there is a loss of motion in the cervical spine, this can disrupt head positioning and cause related neck pain.

Can scoliosis affect your neck?

What part of the spine curves in people with scoliosis? Scoliosis can affect the spine in any of its three major sections: cervical spine (neck) thoracic spine (chest and upper back region)

Can thoracic spine cause neck pain?

When the thoracic spine becomes stiff and rounded, the neck and head usually begin to sit forward which adds extra force to the neck and causes it work harder to keep your chin from dropping onto your chest. This extra work is often what leads to neck pain and headaches.

Can scoliosis cause upper back and neck pain?

Most doctors and scoliosis specialists don’t believe neck pain is associated with scoliosis, and in some cases it isn’t, but studies have linked abnormal cervical spine (neck) position to patients with moderate-to-severe scoliosis.

How do you know if scoliosis is getting worse?

As scoliosis worsens, it can cause more noticeable changes — including uneven hips and shoulders, prominent ribs, and a shift of the waist and trunk to the side.

Can thoracic scoliosis cause chest pain?

Scoliosis patients may also experience chest pains and muscle spasms, and in very severe cases the patient’s lungs and heart may be affected, leading to respiratory problems.

Can scoliosis cause thoracic pain?

Upper back (thoracic) pain: Many adults with scoliosis develop a hunched posture (referred to as “kyphosis”) which is the main cause of their pain. Significant osteoporosis has also been identified in scientific literature as closely linked with adult scoliosis.

How should I sleep with thoracic pain?

If you sleep on your side, put the pillow between your knees and draw them up slightly toward your chest. If you like to sleep on your back, try the pillow under your knees, or roll up a small towel and place it under the small of your back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it puts a lot of strain on your back.

How does scoliosis affect the brain?

Firstly, tension headaches can develop due to the tight neck muscles that are trying to stabilize a cervical curvature; secondly, scoliosis is known to disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), leading to low levels of CSF in the brain, which is known to cause debilitating headaches that can reach migraine status.

How do I know if my scoliosis is getting worse?

What is the best treatment for thoracic pain?

Pain Medications. Pain medications like ibuprofen and Tylenol can help with mild thoracic spine pain.

  • Physical Therapy. Physical therapy may be needed to resolve your upper back issues.
  • Massage. If your thoracic spine pain is due more to muscle injury,massage may be able to help.
  • Steroids.
  • Surgery.
  • How to treat thoracic pain?

    Physical therapy, exercise, proper nutrition, and yoga may help provide long and short term relief of thoracic pain. As with all pain conditions, finding relief is often an effort that includes the mind and body. Focusing just on the pain itself is often ineffective for finding pain relief.

    How to ease scoliosis pain?

    Stretching helps a lot if scoliosis starts causing pain. It helps reduce pain by releasing tension in the muscles surrounding the spine as well as improving flexibility and increasing your range of motion. Plus, it increases blood flow to the joints, which helps keep the body limber.

    What is the best exercise to help scoliosis?

    Mild scoliosis is often managed simply with exercise, medical observation, and scoliosis-specific physical therapy. For some people with scoliosis, yoga is also recommended to decrease their pain level and increase flexibility. Moderate scoliosis often involves bracing to stop the spine from curving further.


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