Can you actually make a battery like in Breaking Bad?

Can you actually make a battery like in Breaking Bad?

Even though Walt made six of these fuel cells and attacked them to the Winnebago’s battery with jumper cables, would it have been enough to spark it up? Probably not. According to, the makeshift battery would only have churned out about 12 volts and 20-30 amps of current at the most.

Why did Walt punch in the bathroom?

When the news come out that his tumor has reduced by 80%, Walt is unhappy. He risked everything for the last 3 months of his life, which have now been extended. He’s clearly frustrated. To vent out his anger, he punches the paper towel dispenser when he sees his image in it.

How did Walt get away with blowing up the car?

In Season 1 of Breaking Bad, Walter blows up a guy’s car by putting one of those gas station window squeegees across the battery.

How did Walter White make a battery?

In order to build an electrochemical battery, Walter asks Jesse to bring him the RV’s brake pads and various galvanized metal objects and finds dish-washing sponges and KOH electrolyte solution from their chemical stocks.

How smart is Walter White?

“What would be a good estimate of Walter White’s IQ”? 145 is a good estimate of Walter White’s IQ. That’s just above genius level, which is 140. Somebody with an IQ of 145 is very capable of being a college professor or a chemist.

Why does Skyler stand on towel?

She tries to resist the temptations this “new life” offers, because she doesn’t want to give up on her “old life”. Do you mean she is resisting the urge to lead a luxurious and affluent life as deep within she is scared that she might accept Walt’s drug money to shed the “old life”……..

Does Walt return the car?

his first car, a 2009 Dodge Challenger. Skyler is not pleased and forces Walt to take the car back. Walt does take it back but instead drives it to an empty parking lot where he performs various stunts like fishtails and doughnuts, ultimately losing control of the car and driving it into a ditch.

Why did Walt light the car on fire?

Disproportionate Retribution: Walt setting the yuppie’s car on fire just for stealing his parking spot (and being a jerk) does seem a bit extreme (and dangerous as well, as he does it while the car is parked at a gas pump).

Is Breaking Bad plausible?

As the series develops, it becomes increasingly apparent that Jesse is far more than the habitual screw-up that he first appears to be. By the end of season 4, in fact, Jesse’s allegiance is the most crucial part of a bloody war between Walter White and Gus Fring.

What is a mercury battery in Breaking Bad?

A mercury battery (also called mercuric oxide battery, or mercury cell) is a non-rechargeable electrochemical battery, a primary cell. In Breaking Bad, Walter White builds a mercury battery to jump start the RV when he and Jesse Pinkman were stranded on the desert for four days (“4 Days Out”).

Is Breaking Bad a good show to watch?

While the results on TV might not match up with their real-life counterparts, Breaking Bad sure has done its part for bringing a little bit of scientific curiosity into our living rooms, along with the most compelling drama in recent years.

What kind of acid is used in Breaking Bad?

Hydrofluoric Acid Another nasty bit of science at work in the criminal underworld of Breaking Bad was put to the test by the Mythbusters. This particular scene involved Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) attempting to dispose of a body by submerging it in hydrofluoric acid (HF).


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