Can you get high from mixing codeine and Sprite?

Can you get high from mixing codeine and Sprite?

Codeine can make a person feel high because it converts to morphine in the brain and binds to opioid receptors. Mixing codeine, promethazine, and sodas like Sprite is a recreational combination called purple drank, purple Sprite, dirty Sprite or lean.

What are some other slang names for codeine and Sprite?

Other slang names for codeine and Sprite mixed in purple drank include sizzurp, lean, drank, purple jelly, Texas tea, and dirty Sprite. The amount of cough syrup used in purple drank can go above-recommended doses by up to 25 times in many cases, making it addictive and highly dangerous.

What are the effects of codeine and promethazine mixed together?

A common illicit combination of codeine, promethazine and Sprite is called purple drank. The codeine component of purple drank is primarily responsible for the effects of this mixture. Promethazine and codeine are central nervous system depressants, meaning that a person can stop breathing when the drugs are taken together in high doses.

What is promethazine sprite?

It is a mixture of Promethazine/Codeine cough syrup and sprite, with a few jolly ranchers and/or skittles thrown in. Promethazine with codeine, consumed in such large amounts as is popular with such southern rappers as lil wayne, slim thug, and Big Moe, produces an opiate-like high that is potentiated by the Promethazine.

What is the generic name for APAP W/codeine?

APAP w/Codeine (Oral) Generic Name: acetaminophen and codeine (Oral route) a-seet-a-MIN-oh-fen, KOE-deen FOS-fate. Oral route(Tablet) Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse:Acetaminophen and codeine phosphate tablets expose patients and other users to the risks of opioid addiction, abuse, and misuse, which can lead to overdose and death.

Does purple drank have codeine in it?

Codeine alone isn’t what’s needed to make purple drank. Instead, the medication needs to contain codeine as well as promethazine which is an antihistamine. Purple drank uses the Sprite (or Mountain Dew) for flavor purposes, and the jolly ranchers or hard fruit candy are added for flavoring and color.


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