Can you grow industrial hemp in Kentucky?

Can you grow industrial hemp in Kentucky?

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is conducting a Hemp Licensing Program as authorized by state and federal laws. No person can grow, handle, broker, or process hemp in Kentucky without a license issued by the KDA.

What did the 2014 farm bill do for hemp?

The hemp industry in the U.S. received a boost with the passage of the 2014 farm bill, which allowed “institutions of higher education” and state agriculture departments to grow hemp under a pilot program as long as state law permitted it.

Is hemp illegal in Kentucky?

Hemp derived CBD products are legal in Kentucky pursuant to 40 KRS 218A. License Holders investing at this early stage in the research should be aware that federal law is subject to change. There is uncertainty at the federal level on what parts of the hemp plant can be lawfully sold.

How much is an acre of industrial hemp worth?

The average yield of hemp fiber per acre can be anywhere between 2.5 to 3 tons. The production costs average around $300 to $350, which means farmers can make $430 to $480 per acre in profit.

How many hemp farmers are in Kentucky?

445 hemp growers
In 2021, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture has licensed 445 hemp growers and 140 processors and handlers. That is down from 970 licensed growers and 178 processors in 2020.

Did farm bill make CBD legal?

In December of 2018, the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law. It removed hemp, defined as cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) Therefore, hemp products must meet any applicable FDA requirements and standards, just like any other FDA-regulated product.

Is it legal to smoke hemp in KY?

It is legal for farmers, processors, and others who are licensed by Kentucky’s Department of Agriculture to grow, handle, transport, and process hemp with no more than 0.3% THC.

When did hemp become legal in Kentucky?

In 2013, Kentucky passed a state law, Senate Bill 50, allowing production for agricultural research purposes. Although the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013, which would have allowed hemp production, failed, agricultural hemp was allowed by federal law under the Agricultural Act of 2014 (farm bill).

How many acres of hemp do you need to make a profit?

On average, you will get about one pound per plant, and be able to plant about 2,500 plants per acre. This leads to you making about $60,000 per acre before subtracting the higher costs of optimizing your CBD yield.

How much does a pound of hemp cost?

High-quality hemp CBD flower sells for about $300 per pound, according to Hemp Benchmarks. CBD biomass—which includes leaves, buds and some stalks—sells for about $0.48 per percent CBD per pound.


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