Can you have two different name servers?

Can you have two different name servers?

You sure can. For example, where I work, we have 4 name servers, 2 hosted with one DNS host, one hosted by us, and the other one hosted by a second external DNS host.

How do I change my Cloudflare name server?

​Create the custom nameserver with Cloudflare

  1. In a new browser tab or window, log into your Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Select your domain from the dropdown.
  3. Select the DNS tile.
  4. From the Custom Nameservers section, select Add Custom Nameservers.
  5. Enter the nameserver information from Step 3 of Lookup domain name registration.

How do I change my Porkbun name server?

Locate the domain you wish to update. Click the “Details” drop-down list to the far right of the domain name and locate the “Authoritative Nameservers” field. Then select “Edit”. A pop-up window should appear with your current nameservers.

How do I find my name server updates?

How to check if domain nameservers are pointed correctly? Note down your domain’s nameservers. After the NS records updates or changes, it takes few hours to reflect those changes fully. Go to the NS lookup tool and enter a domain name to check that the domain’s nameservers are now pointed correctly.

What happens if I change name server?

Reasons to Changing Nameservers Although it will be invisible to visitors, a change in nameservers will result in a change in the hosting server for the website. The URL that visitors use to access the site may remain exactly the same; however, the website will be hosted on a different computer.

Can I use 2 DNS at the same time?

Answer: A: You can’t actively use two DNS servers to do lookups unless you write a program to do that for you. BobTheFisherman has that algorithm exactly right. I listed a Verizon DNS and an OpenDNS as my first and second entires.

How do I find my Cloudflare name server?

You can find the Cloudflare name servers for your domain in your Cloudflare dashboard under Overview.

How do I change the name of my Network Solutions server?

Begin by logging into your Network Solutions account. Within Account Manager (in Network Solutions) select My Domain Names. Then, select the domain name you would like to change and click Manage. In the green box, select Change Where Domain Points.

How do I make my own name server?

Create the Nameservers as A Records

  1. Log into your cPanel for the domain you want to edit.
  2. Write down your server IP address since you will use it later.
  3. Under Domains select Advanced Zone Editor.
  4. Create new A records for your nameservers. Field name. Example. Name. Enter the nameserver information, TTL.


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